TBT Review!
I used to work at a hotel a couple years back and my favorite shifts were the ones that started at 4am. despite the horribly earliness of it all, I really loved how quiet and dark everything was. the bar had been closed for two hours, and the bartender had gone home an hour after that. the only noise from the basement was the sound of Mexican polka music and the laundry room washing machines humming (at times it sounded as if they were humming to the beat of the ranchero) The only other person i would see in the morning was the lone person at the front desk. I would groggily say Hi and grab keys on my way out.
I worked at the little coffeeshop attached to the hotel, across from the bar. Yeah, I had to kick out a hobo that would sleep in the entryway every once in a while, but nothing exciting happened at 4:30 in the morning.
I lived within walking distance, and it was kind of cool walking through a silent ghost town that was that part of downtown. I would maybe see three people, max. Just buzzing street lamps and steaming manhole covers. An errant runner with a dog, a stumbling drunk. In the summer, when the sun would rise earlier and earlier, i would see the tiniest whisp of glow on the horizon.
This was my usual tea i took with me on those mornings. Yeah, my coffeeshop had tea there, but none of it was a good kick in the pants as this was. And i hate coffee.
It was bland, slightly cinnamony black tea that made good use of a small dose of almond milk. It had a nice kick in it that helped me though the walk and through the morning shift.
Flavors: Cinnamon, Dust