377 Tasting Notes
An afternoon french press with a co-worker. Made it a little bit on the industrial strength side. Bright. Malty. Maybe a tad bitter. This time it has a bit of a metallic tinge to it. I’m starting to notice the difference between the broken leaf in this one and the whole leaf that you get with the high grown from Teavana. This one is not as smooth and it’s hitting the tummy a little funny. Yeah have to drop this one a little.
This was my firestarter this morning. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxU9zm7t8Cg I slept though my alarm so I had to reach for sumpthin’ with a kick. I am really liking Assam. It’s got a nice boost and lovely maltiness. Not to mention Prodigy is good to pumped. I’ve started getting back into the swing of working out and hitting the gym. I hadn’t realized how inactive I have become till now. I find anytime Prodigy tickles my eardrums I work a little bit harder…a good kick in the assam if you will. The supply of this one is starting to dwindle. So I may have to reorder or explore some other CTC. This also reminds me of a song I used to play on my radio show in college by the Channel Surfers-C.T.C http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgWBMtPdMCI quite the groovy little bit. Ah Tea and good music slaying the Buttdragons together.
So I brought this to work with me. We bought a box and my wife decided she was not a fan. I’m giving it another chance. Now that I am overcoming my aversion to white because I think it was operator error. The dry leaf is not terrible in aroma. Steeped it for a minute. It’s a little bit better this time however the lemongrass seems to rule supreme of this cup. So I guess I’m going from blech to meh on this one. Still not as tasty as the blueberry pomegranate white from Lipton.
A reason to drink today! As of today I have been blessed to be a father of my little angel for 5 years today. Since I can’t “drink” on the job this will do nicely. Still a good brew but “nutterbutters” I steeped it too long and it’s orange. I have found that’s a sure fire way to know you have steeped green tea for too long. It turns orange. Still pretty good though. Cheers.
So Shawndra from Praise Tea stopped by the station today to talk to one of our sales reps. It was wonderful to meet her and she brought this iced. Wow! is this good. So of course as I have been finding the hibiscus hits my palette first because well that’s what hibiscus seems to do to me. Then the creamy peach come through. It has a nice balance of the tang from the hibiscus and the peach. After tasting this I felt like I just had a cup of Koolaid without the sugar though. The peach is so good in this one it’s almost like flavor from lipton peach ice tea, minus the artificial peach flavor. I would almost compare this to like a good non-alcoholic peach wine. I’m definitely going to have to look more into offerings from Praise.
I bought a cup to try if I liked it in my last visit. They gave me 2 ounces free because they are getting ready for a new flush. I have to tell you this is a fabulously good tea. The dry leaves are partially golden the liquor a mellow golden color. This reminds me quite a bit of a Yunnan Golden Tips or a Gongfu Black. The flavor has that antiqueness to it. A bad descriptive I know but that’s how I can best describe it. I am enjoying this quite a bit. I don’t know however if I would pay the 18 dollars that it normally is.
Did you know drinking tea is associated with being a pirate? Watching Disney with the kiddo. A song from Jake and the Neverland Pirates goes " swim away, crocodile, drink your tea…a pirates life for me" I am happy to have this one back in the cupboard. So delicious. Not too long ago my wife and ate at Stir Crazy they serve a Thai Iced Tea…..the flavor is weak compared to how tasty this is. Arrrrr it’s a pirate’s life for me.
Having this one today in the french press. Yum. Yum. Yum. I do love good mint tea. The last time I had this it reminded me of another tea. Today in the grocery I nailed it. Bigelow’s Plantation mint….except take the flavor and quality up quite a bit. We had this tea in the house a lot growing up. I started drinking tea with my mom probably since I was a freshman in high school or before. Usually it was mint tea with milk and sugar. Of course now I drink my tea straight most of the time. So I have graduated a bit. Man is this good. I’m thinking if Frank did this one again….I am on it.