377 Tasting Notes
A little extra from my swap with Mercuryhime. I opened the swap package and whoa something smells good. So yesterday we were cleaning up the kitchen and I was getting teas into a box. I smelled that one again and thought hmmmm cotton candy!. My wife took a whiff and said I should let my daughter smell. She thought it smelled like cotton candy too. Then she skipped into the kitchen and asked if we could try some. So I decided to make it iced in my Bodum ceylon. Added a scoop of sugar to it cause I’m sure that’s why the kiddo didn’t like the previous iced offering that I spent 20 dollars on at Teavana and the kid said she didn’t like it afterwards. This is definitely candy like. Pretty good and not terribly sweet with the sugar and the kiddo like it. Win!
“I was tired of my lady, we’d been together too long.
Like a worn-out recording, of a favorite song.
So while she lay there sleeping, I read the paper in bed.
And in the personals column, there was this letter I read:
“If you like Pina Coladas, and getting caught in the rain.
If you’re not into yoga, if you have half-a-brain.
If you like making love at midnight, in the dunes of the cape.
I’m the lady you’ve looked for, write to me, and escape.
Tee Hee hee thanks to Amy Oh for sending me this sample. I was writing a letter for the station’s digital edition of CCM Magazine. Unfortunately not listening to Rupert Holmes but to the David Crowder Band-Give Us Rest. So I have not tried to many varieties of honeybush. I like the pineapple flavor that comes through. I didn’t get much coconut this time around. I’m writing and not really paying attention to the brew, but then I get a whiff of something. Holy crap rum! That is spot on! The only thing that this is missing is the creaminess of a real Pina Colada. For your enjoyment http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BsZ5a5UQvrs
So Janefan is awesome since she sent this in a swap because she saw it was on my shopping list. So when I got this I was incredibly excited because I’ve been wanting to try it. I was a little worried when I saw it was green Pu-Erh. Only because the last time I had green pu-erh I thought it was nasty and tasted like drinking latex. I’ve come to the conclusion however that may have been operator error since when you over steep greens they turn orange. I like the aroma of the dry tuocha it’s nice. I’ve never had sticky rice but it does remind me of cooked brown rice. Started off with a 30 second rinse and progressive one minute steeps. I’m on my tenth round and I have to say I am enjoying this a lot. Each steep brings out a different character. Some reminded me of steamed rice, but as it has progressed I’m getting more of a cornish flavor. One buttered corn. Another creamed corn or corn caserole. That still happens to be one of my favorite holiday side dishes. I’m impressed with how well this is holding up. These last steeps have reminded me of a corn sock. Either a sock or like I have fabric that is filled with corn and thrown in the microwave for sore muscles. I like to heat it up when I have sinus pressure that could take down a water buffalo. I’m definitely finding this one very comforting especially when everyone else around me is dropping like flies due to sickness. I would buy this and enjoy again.
Thanks to Taite for allowing me to try this one. I made this up bolting out the door for another edition of morning news. Today it turns out I am the lone newscaster on the grassy knoll since I am the only newscaster in the building not sick. So I take my first sip. Mmmm this is tasty. A little malty and grainy. That flavor I’ve come to enjoy from Yunnan black that reminds or potatoes. More so like natural fair french fries. Maybe I’m wrong on this but it kinda seems like a Yunnan hybrid to me. The characteristics remind both of a Keemun and that of a Bai Lin Gonfu. I poured into my Gryffindor travel mug that reminds my of our family moon that we took to Florida. In lieu of a honeymoon my wife’s aunt gifted us a trip to Florida so my wife, daughter and I got to take a trip after we were married. So we got to go to Universal and take the kiddo to Disney. So I finished it half way through the drive to work and was wishing there was more. I’m glad there’s more at home….I’ll just have to brew and entire pot.
Ugg I forgot that when I fill in on the mornings that day 1 is not bad. Day 2 you drag like you are pulling 2 small children around your legs. I woke up at 2 and then at 3 this morning before my alarm went off. I think it was one of those situations where I should have just stayed up, since I woke up naturally before my alarm. C’est La Vie. These morning I know that I need a little boost. Mate is the answer. Don’t really need a question here. Still one of my favorites and I actually think it’s because the aroma reminds me of a black and mild. I added a little English breakfast. However I think I put a little too much in there. Just a tinge bitter. That might be because of the double Assam factor between the two teas as well. When I got to the station diluted a little bit and it mellowed out. I might be a long day.
Shift switch! So I had to be at the station by 5am so what do I reach for on these days? Definitely a mate and I was given a chance to try this one from brandy3392 So I’ve been quite impressed so far with what I have tried from DAVIDs and this is not dissapointing me either. Especially with Mates I think that sometimes companies try to cover the flavor of the mate. I have also noticed that raspberry teas I have tried don’t seem to cut it either. However the chocolate flavor and the raspberry flavors don’t taste synthetic. The accompany the roasted mate nicely. It’s really smooth and reminds me of a good chocolate raspberry coffee blend that a coffee shop I worked for served. The hint of the almond flavor is nice too. It’s seriously like drinking a chocolate raspberry truffle. It stands up to a second steeping. The empty cup aroma on this one is flippin fantastic. I will probably order this when my swap runs out. This would be a great valentine tea.
It’s rare to say that a tea is out of my cupboard but alas this one was finished this morning for breakfast. When you have to say goodbye to good tea it’s like marrying off one of your kids. You are sad to see it go…but will be back in your house for periodic visits. Adieu till I order again.
Ha ha ha so last night had time with my daughter so we went to the mall cause she had dinner and I had not. So we swing in I wanted to see if they still had any of their clearance teas left to I could pick up some more Assam. Unfortunately they did not. So I decided I wanted to give this one a whirl. So while we are waiting my daughter and I are looking around. She remember that she liked the one tea before and she like looking at the books there. So I just over hear a conversation that one the employees is having with a customer about how he heard about tea and what not. He is totally clueless because the salesperson has convinced him to buy a full tea set….yep she is totally working the sale. I was so tempted to say dude lets chat a bit you don’t need that much to make a great cup of tea. Not to mention I found my tea set that I think looks awesome and I break out for company for 14 dollars at one of the Asian markets. I didn’t though cause I know that person is trying to make money just as much as if I were trying book a couple for a wedding. I thought it was pretty funny though. So I get my cup and we go perusing the rest of the mall. So we go check out the Lego store. I’m letting my cup cool a little bit and taking a few sips. I’m chatting with the salesperson about how I had the original Lego pirate ship before it was Pirates of the Caribbean. So as it’s cooling I’m starting to pick out the flavors. A little bit of pineapple here. A little fig and pear there. A hint of sweetness. Then….dag nab it. I said to myself seriously Teavana. Put a little oolong and cinnamon in there and you have the Toasted Nut Brulee. I think I may have to start compiling a list. If you like this tea from Teavana…try it’s herbal counterpart(my apologies for snarkiness). Honest to Pete man the more teas I try. The more I’m starting to ask where’s generating a whole new wonderful mind expanding flavor profile if everything tastes the same. I’m sorry but adding or subtracting one derivative does not constitutes “Tea Blending Genius”. I’m ranting aren’t I. Don’t get me wrong Teavana has some wicked awesome blends and I’m sold…but…yeah. Overall tasty I didn’t get much cocoa though. Just the praline tart.
Lego store??? Sometimes living in a small town has serious drawbacks. No lego store and no tea shops with pushy sales people :(
It was the first Lego store I have really seen but this mall is in a very affluent area. I don’t shop there normally.
Thanks for the review. Which teavana do you shop at? There is a Teavana at the kenwood mall and there is a lego shop right down the hall, on the first floor. Just curious.
I’m going to the movies…going to the movies…go…darn it I’m still at work. Thank you Brandy for this one. There is a yummy aroma that wafts from the dry leaf. I see some nice raisin pieces as well. The trouble I’m struggling with in the “chocolate tea” realm is that some of them don’t taste like real chocolate. There is a chocolate essence that is nice but I don’t know if I would say it’s really chocolate. Maybe I’m crazy here. I’m liking this one pretty well though. There’s a nice chocolate flavor but I’m not sure if I’m getting the raisin. This reminds me more of a chocolate oatmeal raisin cookie. Which I like because oatmeal raisin are my favorite! I like it. I continually admire Frank’s creativity. I could keep my nose in the pouch for days :)
Glad you enjoyed. It did seem more of a candy tea, which was why I wasn’t too fond of it. I should try serving it go kids too!