This sample came to me courtesy of taite. The dry leaf aroma is invigorating!! Like fresh squeezed OJ. The jasmine flowers intrigued me. I have never had a tea with the actual flowers in it. The liquor is a pale yellow with a faint citrus aroma. I would compare the aroma to warm Orange Crush or Squirt. Initially the jasmine stands out. As it is cooling down though I’m tasting some nice citrus notes. I can see though how this tea might throw some people off. I’m thinking rather than the jasmine some vanilla would be killer in this. Almost like drinking a creamcicle. The second half of the pot has darkened a little bit. I have noticed this with greens lately too. Pale at first then a little more yellow. Theres a little more citrus coming out too. Almost like absolute citron, which may have been the goal in creating this tea. Or the flavor could be comparable to the scent of hand sanitizer. Either way I can tell this is one of those teas you like or you don’t. It’s pretty good but I’m not sure if I would buy a whole package of it. I am liking the chance some DAVIDs selections to my palette.