I’m going to have a really hard time describing this one, partly because it was so freaking good and partly because I’m not super great at identifying flavor nuances yet.
First, I thought that perhaps I was tasting the burny outside of a roasted marshmallow minus the sweetness (which totally doesn’t make sense…)
Then, I moved on to imagining that perhaps it was toast …but like…maybe with something on it? Except, I don’t even know what. So unhelpful.
So…I finally caved and read the flavors others had listed here and….maybe it’s sweet potato? Malt was a given, being that it is an assam…but sweet potato is to only other flavor listed that I can attribute the other flavor to. I feel exceptionally bad at writing tasting notes right now.
The main point I’m getting at here is ohmygosh I want to drink this nearly every day. Thank you Tealux/Tealyra/Teawhateveryouwanttocallyourselfnow for making delicious teas.
Love this one!!
Burny part of the marshmallow without the sweet? I know exactly what you mean, and that sounds wonderful, haha.