I figured since everyone else cues the bayonets and timpanis when they de-“cupboard” a tea, I might as well too. I needed something extra strong this morning; had to work on Black Friday, and two furry friends kept me up all darn night. I brewed two tablespoons of the stuff. I think this was the way it was meant to be had. I only gave it a “fairly good” rating before because I thought it lacked something in the forefront. I figured out what that was…a kick in the pants. The astringent middle was still there, but the malt aspect dominated thanks to the larger quantity of leaves. This is the coffee of tea right here. Too bad I’m out of it now.
Considering I only got three hours of sleep, not even close to shaking. Plus, it was a 16oz brew. So, not quite a Russian-style concentrate. (heh)
2 tablespoons? Oh, wow. I’d be shaking from the caffeine rush!
Considering I only got three hours of sleep, not even close to shaking. Plus, it was a 16oz brew. So, not quite a Russian-style concentrate. (heh)
Well, here’s hoping you’re able to sleep tonight!
Hope springs a pillow.