As a cost-saving measure, I purchased a bag of the Matcha-Style Green Tea so I had something on hand at work. On their blog, Mellow Monk mentioned a technique on how to cold-brew the matcha in a bottle. I thought I’d give it a shot. Directions were simple: Add roughly a third of a teaspoon to the bottle of choice (I went a full teaspoon), add a splash of water, shake vigorously to remove clumps, then add full water amount, and shake vigorously again.
The result is a thick, dark liquid with some of the requisite powdered consistency. Taste-wise, it resembles a cold sencha that’s been left out. However, given that good sencha should be brewed warm, anyway, that’s not a detraction. It’s more vegetal and kale-like when cold, unlike it’s warmed version. However, that settles into a melon-like note later on aftertaste. Overall, a decent alternative than succumbing to Starbucks.