I received a one-shot sample of this from a Twitter friends. I was very curious about it after a couple of false alarms on my Milk Oolong search. Sure, the others had some detectable creaminess to them but nothing awe-inspiring. This smelled like buttered popcorn right from the get-go on dry leaf alone. After the brew-up, that feeling still stayed. I wouldn’t have thought that I’d like a “butter” taste to my tea (aside from a slight buttery-floral note), but I was wrong. I welcomed the cornucopia of creaminess. A surprisingly and superior cup.
Full Review: http://www.teaviews.com/2010/11/21/review-american-tea-room-milk-oolong-2/
This stuff sounds great. I have yet to read a bad review of it.
I’t praise is totally well-earned.