I wanted something soothing this morning, so I’m sitting in the sun, in my sun-room, enjoying a cup of Peach Oolong. It’s a beautiful fall tea, a darker Oolong that the one I drank yesterday, very smooth, a little earthy, with a mildly sweet peach backdrop. Although I’m drinking it plain, I know that a small pinch of stevia will bring the Peach taste forward. If it were cold outside, I’d add that pinch.
According to the National Weather service iPhone app, it’s suppose to be raining right now. My allergies are still bad, more crazy dreams & restlessness last night, but the sunshine feels awesome. Outside its 79 degrees, & although I’m not excited about braving the pollen count, I have places to go, people to see, things to do. I discovered a teashop in St. Louis that I am hoping to check out (and he sells Gaiwans!).