50 Tasting Notes
My mum got this recently, so I snuck a bag. I’m not really sure where they think the tea is, but this is a pleasant enough group of spices. A bit weak for my taste, and easily drowned by sugar, but still decent. I just don’t particularly love or hate it, so I haven’t got an opinion either way (which may be saying something in and of itself). Maybe I’ll try it with milk later; it was yummy with my cinnamon granola + yogurt parfait!
Say what you will about crappy bagged teas, I can’t hear you! This is something I was raised on, and it is a tremendous comfort to me, just as all the Twining’s teas are. Sometimes I’m a tea snob, but in this case I just can’t be. Guess it’s like tea junk food? And believe me, that comforting quality comes in handy during midterms. Steep it strong with just-boiled water, and then add some milk, and sugar / stevia.
Good for you! Like what you damn well like, I say. My mom drinks Good Earth’s Original tea and has for as long as I can remember. Even after converting to loose leaf I still drink a cup of it every now and then.
I second that. About 1/3 of my tea cabinet is bagged teas. Sometimes I just want something simple® and easy.
Twinnings might not make anything terribly special or exotic, but they still know how to make a good, solid tea. I love their Lady Grey in particular, so what if it’s bagged?
I’m coming around to bagged teas a bit more. I had a very strong stance against them over the last couple of years after tasting the difference with loos leaf. However it is the high quality tea bags that have been convincing me that all bagged teas should not be grouped together as dust and fannings. I just purchased the Twinings Irish Breakfast bagged tea last night, and will be trying it out today. Like the lovely commenters are also saying, sometimes it’s just easier with bagged tea. Thanks for being bold and standing your ground!!! :)
Drinking this one non-stop recently! As soon as I opened the tin, the strong smell hit me, and in the best way possible. This tea is so delightfully light and sweet that you really don’t need sugar. I can only really taste the pear and green tea, but I’ll be keeping a tongue out for that dang kiwi they promised. Steeping times may vary, but I usually let it sit for a while just so it strengthens the flavor. Though I have been drinking it hot, I can imagine this would be absolutely delicious iced as well, particularly on a hot summer day.
Twining’s loose leaf teas are beautiful basics, particularly the black teas they are so renowned for, and definitely deliver a difference in quality and freshness from their bagged counterparts. Because my tea last night was, well, piss, I have remedied my mood with a strong swig of this. Makes my morning merry, and the smell is still happily tingling my nose.
Just-boiled water, ~ 4 min., w/ a dash of Sweet Leaf & milk
I’ve never been a fan of Twinings’ bagged tea, but I had no clue they did loose leaf. Huh. I’m glad this morning went better than last night. There’s nothing worse than drinking piss. Metaphorically speaking, of course.
I’m guessing that there is a Fresh Market near you. They carry the Twinings loose leaf tea in little tins. They’re ok, I think, but they are not using the impressive whole leaf tea one can order elsewhere.
I think since I’ve been raised on Twining’s they hold a special place in my heart. And the loose leaf really is pretty good; I don’t mind not having whole leaf only because I wouldn’t want to waste it (see: slightly clumsy attribute)!
Twinings are nice economic teas to fall back on. They’re easy to find and are mediocre quality(which shames plenty of store brands). Their English Breakfast is certainly their best tea blend, imo. And they have a few loose leaf varieties that are good…provided you catch them at the peak of freshness.
When I saw this in the store, I got so excited! As I brewed it, the cup smelled wonderful! …And then I tasted it, and I got disappointed.
May be my personal dislike of chamomile and hibiscus throwing off the taste, because all of the other ingredients strike me as agreeable. It was too tart and bitter, even when weakly steeped and with stevia sweetener. Stash normally doesn’t let me down, but this just left me thirsty for something (anything) else.
Usually I let this steep far longer than it actually is intended to, just because it is very faint to start with. For whatever reason, I really like this blend, even though it doesn’t seem to make any logical sense with chai spices in my head. Super soft and creamy with milk and a bit of stevia / sugar.
Definitely less intricate of a blend than the Stash one I drank last night, but very smooth. The spices are much weaker, so while it’s pleasant enough, I prefer my chai quite a bit stronger. Still, a nice, basic blend that you can steep for a while without going too wrong, and mixes well with milk and sugar (of course).
I don’t bother taking the tea bag out, and it gets nice and spicy. But never gets bitter.