“Aroma captivating, taste sublime, and mouthfeel so sensuous, all summoning superlatives as I find myself wanting to hold the rich creamy liquor in my mouth and enjoy every precious drop. The...” Read full tasting note
The first to bring you this very special organic sencha from a small plantation located on the sloping banks of the scenic lake Imuta in Kagoshima which is famous for its rare dragonfly species which has led to the area becoming protected under law (The area is both a Ramsar Site and a Natural Monument of Japan). A very beautiful and natural setting for organic tea to grow without a doubt. Mist and sunshine are plentiful, the soil is mineral rich, and the lake provides a great natural water source.
Not only that, but this organic sencha is made from the grand saemidori cultivar and is light steamed a far cry from the heavier steamed saemidori sencha from Kagoshima. The aroma of the tea leaves is fantastic and the taste is wonderfully delicious, such a clear and clean taste, and certainly relax inducing, too.
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