2019 Yunnan Sourcing "Ba Da Mountain" Ripe Pu-erh Tea Cake

Tea type
Pu'erh Tea
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Clean, Creamy, Leather, Woody
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Edit tea info Last updated by TeaEarleGreyHot
Average preparation
185 °F / 85 °C 0 min, 30 sec 5 g 3 oz / 88 ml

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From Yunnan Sourcing

Spring 2018 Ba Da mountain material wet piled in summer 2018! Viscous, mild woody taste, sweet dried fruit and some bitterness. The Ba Da mountains (巴达山) are just to the west of Menghai town (on the road to Lancang) and are a classic Menghai region for high quality ripe tea! Menghai Tea Factory sources alot of tea from Ba Da for both their ripe and raw pu-erh tea cakes!

We are also offering three other Menghai area ripe teas with a similar wrapper (He Kai Village, Meng Song Village, and Bu Lang Mountain).

250 Grams per Cake (7 cakes per bamboo leaf tong)
Wrapper Designed by Anastasija Kulda
Pressed June 1st 2019

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1 Tasting Note

122 tasting notes

This 2019 Ba Da Mountain ripe Puer from YS is an “older brother” to the 2020 material which I previously reviewed. It is very similar to the 2020, but not quite as complex in its flavors. YS’s description is pretty accurate. I really like it (which is good since I have a full cake of it).

I gongfu’d this session across 12 steepings of 30 seconds each, in succession, using hot alpine spring water well-off the boil (measured at 85°C), poured on 5g leaf in 3 ounce porcelain espresso cups (pre rinsed in the same water for 10 sec), using a stainless steel infusion basket. The earliest infusions were very dark brown liquors, lightening as I proceeded. See them all in the attached photo, going diagonally from left to right. You can see that a few jumped in intensity, because the wet leaf rested a minute between steepings as I heated more water (#6) and fetched more cups (#9). The flavor and aroma were remarkably consistent across all 12 infusions.

It is possible that additional flavors and slight bitterness might have been noticible had I used boiling water, as usual for Pu’erhs, but I was wanting to try and achieve a higher level of smoothness in this session. And I think it was successful in that! In the future I’ll go back to western-style steeping because the effort of all this just isn’t justified by the result (nevermind all the washing-up!)

Flavors: Clean, Creamy, Leather, Woody

185 °F / 85 °C 0 min, 30 sec 5 g 3 OZ / 88 ML

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