“Completely delicious! Fantastic tea! It is enjoyable from the very first sip. Though it is hard to tell from the picture, these cubes are really cubes, not flat. They are shaped like a baby’s...” Read full tasting note
Jiu Wan has been producing Ripe Pu-erhs since 2001, every year has seen their fermentation process getting better. These handy little ingot-shaped tuos deliver a rich earthy flavor and would be perfect drop into 150-200ml Yixing teapot for brewing! Keep them in a paper bag, basket or claypot for some post-fermentation goodness!
Product Name: “Fu” Tuo
Net Weight: Tuos at about 8-9 grams each
Ingredients: Sun-dried Pu-erh from Lincang
Produced by Jiu Wan Tea Factory
2013 Material from Lincang
Company description not available.