Thanks for this wonderful sample, boychik!
This is one of very few aged raw puerhs I’ve had a chance to try. The liquor is a beautiful amber color. The flavor is smooth, with a hint of smoke. The grilled vegetable kind of smoke that I like! There are vegetal notes and fruity notes, like dried apricot, and it also reminds me of wine somehow. It is more complex than that, and I’m sorry I can’t do this tea justice by identifying all the notes, but I noticed multiple flavors dancing around in my mouth. Yum!
It just kept going, so I decided to keep the leaf for a second session. On the second day, it was super nice, fruity, and sweet!
This tea also packs quite the punch of energy, so I definitely recommend a good snack before and during your session to calm the stomach.
Overall, this is a great value for the price…I’m going to have to consider picking up a cake of this one!