“This is a very nice sheng pu’erh. Aggressive, though not overly so. Probably not a good “starter” tea, but for those who’ve been drinking pu’erh for awhile, this one should work nicely.” Read full tasting note
“After trying several Pu-erh’s throughout Seattle I decided to purchase a tea cake at uwajimaya. I chose this cake only because it had been imported by a local distributor. This was also the most...” Read full tasting note
Certified Organic by COFCC * High Mountain Wild Arbor!
Min Feng Mountain of Yong De is another high-altitude mountain packed with wild arbor trees! Min Feng tea’s are strong and bitey in flavorwith a strong and fast after-taste..Mang Fei mountain is home to many wild arbor trees and a pristine environment. This is composed entirely of first flush spring material.After brewing notice the strength of the broad leaves and bud/leafsets. Carefully processed!Part of the five Yong De tea mountains set! Includes Min Feng, Mang Fei, Wu Jia Zhai, Da Xue Shan, and Mei Zi Qing!
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