2021 Lucky Puppy

Tea type
Pu'erh Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by Roswell Strange
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 15 sec 6 g 3 oz / 100 ml

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2 Tasting Notes View all

  • “This one knocked me around. More focused on the energy than the taste. But initial wet leaf smell reminded me of a steel pot after stewing cabbage, somewhat like plastic, seemingly noxious....” Read full tasting note
  • “Gongfu! Had this session on Thursday and I’m finding it a little bit hard to put down into words what the tea taste and texture was like other than… relatively pleasantly biting!? I haven’t tried...” Read full tasting note

From white2tea


The return of our classic blend.

The 2021 Lucky Puppy blend involves a wide range of high end material from several regions. The unique character of this tea is heavy with strength and depth. Lucky Puppy evolves from steep to steep in a gongfu brewing session, displaying a wide array of characteristics and a unique experience. The tea has a powerful aggressive character in earlier steeps, with a lasting huigan and complex returning flavors in the mouth. The later steeps trail off into a smooth, sweet sunset.

Drink now or age for the longer term.

Each cake is 200 grams.

Pressed in 2021. Each cake is 200g. The cakes are wrapped in bamboo leaf tongs, with five cakes per tong.

About white2tea View company

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2 Tasting Notes

75 tasting notes

This one knocked me around. More focused on the energy than the taste. But initial wet leaf smell reminded me of a steel pot after stewing cabbage, somewhat like plastic, seemingly noxious. Youthful, green taste throughout session. Steeping (1) bittersweet, thick, vegetal, notes of weed vape, head feels heavy (2) muscles relaxing deeply, bitterness ramping up, drying, somewhat astringent (3) lasting huigan beginning, floral, very dry, feel coating on my teeth (4) piercing bitterness, feel energy in my feet, vision is vibrating (5) tingling feeling on tongue (6) rounding out, feeling very content, serene (7-8) blast of sweetness (9-12) tingling in head (13-14) breathing in and out feels like I just chewed some mint gum (15) rushed to finish this steeping before heading out, felt extremely energized for a couple hours after.

Really great experience. Maybe it’d be worth buying a cake to age…

205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 15 sec 6 g 3 OZ / 100 ML

Wow, I think I got a buzz just from reading the review!

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16956 tasting notes


Had this session on Thursday and I’m finding it a little bit hard to put down into words what the tea taste and texture was like other than… relatively pleasantly biting!? I haven’t tried productions from past years because descriptions/reviews never really seemed to stand out to me & I had honestly forgotten I’d added a sample into my last order. So, if anyone tries this one & has also tried previous years, hit me up & let me know how you think they compare!!

Right now I’m kind of leaning towards, at least for my own taste preferences, this one not really being quite worth the money…

Photos: https://www.instagram.com/p/CSNXNQkgwR3/

Song Pairing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qsw3Kdnt16k&ab_channel=TheDecemberists-Topic

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