“Gongfu! Finished off the last of this sample over lunch while also breaking in a new cat teacup!! Took a while for this chunk to really open up, but it made for a pleasantly rich and brothy liquor...” Read full tasting note
The 2019 WTCCCTV is made from old arbor large leaf varietal tea that is usually destined to be made in raw Puer, picked and processed in shaihong [sun dried black tea] style tea with no machine processing.
WTCCCTV is a heavily sweet and full bodied black tea with a range of honey and fruit flavors that fluctuate between sweet grass and unripe pear. The natural style of sun dried processing means that leaves range in oxidation level, allowing for a complex experience with a bit of variation from session to session. This is an enduring and heavy black tea best suited for a longer, gongfu style tea session.
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