“Drinking a 90s HK stored puer. It’s not labeled ripe or raw, but I’m pretty sure it’s a ripe because of it’s amazing creaminess. School has been extrememly busy lately, I come home at 7 everyday...” Read full tasting note
“WHOA dirt! or is that ‘earth’…Either way, not much sweetness. 95ml F1 shuiping yixing, 6g is not sweet, but totally earthy, nearly dirt. A bit of wet wood, wet leather. The leaves are very brown...” Read full tasting note
“Warm, super smooth and slightly woody without the basement note of some traditional stored Shengs. Images and more at https://puerh.blog/teanotes/1990-hong-kong-style-sheng-w2t” Read full tasting note
“Been looking forward to trying this one. Was glad to be able to get some of this from JWhisk’s stash. Steeped it at work to produce a nice, dark, thick smooth liquor and I had to come back to this...” Read full tasting note
This aged raw puer cake was produced in the 1990′s, but the exact production date is unclear. The cakes are originally unmarked, unwrapped, and in broken bamboo tongs. This is both a blessing and a curse, since the lack of wrappers and rough condition are what contribute to the low price for such an old tea, but the lack of information makes for an unclear origin. The soup is a deep red color and smooth enough to drink right away, with a lingering sweetness and soft mouthfeel. The tea has very little of the traditional storage flavor (wetness, humidity) left in the cup. It is very difficult to find other teas of this age and quality at this price point.
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