“Drank this last night and couldn’t keep wanting Wild Monk from Mandela instead. The reason for that would be connected to the strength of sheng being present in a younger tea. Personally I like my...” Read full tasting note
“Sheng Yiwu snob alert. This tea was another sample from Paul at white 2 Tea. This tea is a blend of both spring and fall material. The color is a beautiful golden bronze. The first steeping was...” Read full tasting note
2012 Cangyan Gufeng Yiwu Raw 357g
A blended Yiwu made of 2012 material, the wrapper says 春 [chun, spring] indicating this cake was made with spring material, however it is a blend of both spring and fall material. This cake is a economical to drink a raw puer with a blend of Yiwu character, it is sweet and inviting. Suitable for storage or immediate consumption.
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