The rain today has been absolutely relentless and, to be honest, the lack of natural sunlight left me feeling rather unmotivated to steep anything up for most of the day. I finally mustered up the motivation to try this poetically named tea out, and I thought the overall profile of the first three or so steeps post-rinse actually worked quite well with the atmospheric white noise of the rain forcefully pattering just beyond the window. Bright, sweet and a little bit grassy – like dandelion greens, hemp, or that “chlorophyll smell” from freshly trimmed lawn. Also, a light green melon note like just under ripe honeydew or when you get the white part of the melon right before the pith/rind. Fresh and almost “bouncy”.
I didn’t quite finish off the session, though. As much as this was very enjoyable and working super well in conjunction with the rain, I just got the sense that it would be so much better if I finished it off after the storm has passed, especially as the petrichor hits its peak and you’releft bathing in silence and all the fresh, cooling smells of nature. I mean, that’s basically the gist of this tea’s name, isn’t it!? And it really is so perfectly spot on not just in taste but in the feeling that it’s ended up evoking for me. I have no doubt that even without the current downpour that drinking this tea would be drawing these same comparisons for me. Maybe this is premature of me, but I’m calling that this just might be my favourite sheng that I’ve tried so far from this spring’s productions…
Tea Photos: https://www.instagram.com/p/C-dz24NOfj0/?img_index=1
Song Pairing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebECDsnUtcc