Jasmine Coconut Green Tea

Tea type
Green Rooibos Blend
Organic Coconut, Organic Jasmine Green Tea, Organic Red Rooibos
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Edit tea info Last updated by Tea Pet
Average preparation
180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 0 sec 12 oz / 354 ml

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From Whispering Pines Tea Company

The Inspiration
Inspired by a summers night on the beach in Aruba! Jasmine Coconut Green Tea combines the warm fragrant smell of jasmine scented green tea with red rooibos and organic coconut flakes for a smooth tropical tea. Deliciously perfect for any time of the day! Best enjoyed hot when you need that tropical vacation!

Dune Grass

How to brew the perfect cup:
Steep 1 teaspoon of leaves
in 8 ounces of 180ºF water
for 1 minute and 30 seconds.

2nd infusion: 2 minutes and 15 seconds
3rd infusion: 3 minutes

Organic Jasmine Green Tea
Organic Coconut Flakes
Organic Red Rooiobos

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About Whispering Pines Tea Company View company

Whispering Pines Tea Company is dedicated to bringing you the most original, pure, beautiful tea blends. We use only the highest quality ingredients available to create additive-free teas teas inspired by the pristine wilderness of Northern Michigan. Our main focus is on customer satisfaction and quality.

19 Tasting Notes

4843 tasting notes

Thank you to TeaEqualsBliss for sending me a bit of this tea!

This is fabulous! I was not expecting it to taste as wonderful as it does. I don’t know, but the idea of jasmine and coconut just doesn’t seem to mesh well in my brain … but, these two components worked it out and they taste amazing together.

I think it has a bit to do with the fact that the tea is not an overly floral one, and no one component overwhelms the other … with the possible exception of the rooibos, as in, the Pouchong, coconut and jasmine nearly obliterate the flavor of the rooibos. And that’s fine with me. Being one who is not so fond of rooibos and more fond of Pouchong, I’m liking that I am tasting the Pouchong and not the rooibos here. I taste maybe the faintest note of an earthy tone from the rooibos … but, it is very faint.

I really like this a bunch! Completely YUM!

Whispering Pines Tea Company

Glad you like it! :) What were your brewing parameters?


I brewed it at 170F for 2 1/2 minutes… and a resteep for 3 1/2 minutes. This resteeps well … the resteep is primarily the Pouchong with very little coconut, a bit more jasmine this time too… but still really nice.

Whispering Pines Tea Company

Perfect. :) Yeah I usually go 2 minutes at 180 and resteep 2 1/2. The bottom of the cup is also my favorite for some reason.

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6768 tasting notes

I don’t know for sure but I am thinking there is more than one type of green tea in this one! The ‘green’ tea leaves look different from leaf to leaf. The coconut shavings are smaller than you might see in a bulk section or in a Bob’s Red Mill’s type bag, for example. I can also see the rooibos. Again, I don’t know this for sure but it ALMOST looks like there COULD BE both green and regular rooibos in this mix! It’s a bit hard to tell this last assumption about the Rooibos because there is so little of it in there…so…it could just be regular rooibos, I guess.

The green tea(s) is a nice ‘even-steven’ type taste inbetween a slight grassy-green, slight sweet-green, slight vegetal-green. The Jasmine is subtle – thankfully! Just the right amount for my palate. The coconut is pretty amazing. It’s not like a stereotypical-tropical type coconut but a soothing, creamy-type instead. I do like this difference!

With the description and ingredients list I thought I would like this one fine-and-dandy but I actually like it even more than I thought I would! This is incredibly smooth. A nice sipping tea OR a nice gulping tea! YUMMO!

Whispering Pines Tea Company

The green tea is actually a light pouchong from Fujian. Hand-toasted organic coconut flakes and only red roobios are added. I’ve seemed to notice a very different taste between the first sip and last sip — the bottom tastes smoother to me :)


Ahhhh! Well, that explains it! Pouchong with coconut I have always favored and found very creamy and yummy! Thanks!

Whispering Pines Tea Company

no problem :) and i’m packing up some more samples for you to go out today :)


Awesome! Thanks :)

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600 tasting notes

A review of Jasmine Coconut Green Tea by Whispering Pines Tea Company

I received my tea sample from Whispering Pines Tea Company but I did not open it right away since I tend to wait when wanting for a certain tea and today seem like a good day. for it.

I had some water boiling for making this tea. I scoop a small teaspoon of the tea and put this in my small strainer that I had received earlier in the year from Steepster (along with another sampler pack) and as I placed this over a smaller mug I pour the boiling water over the tea strainer and letting it settle for about two minutes.

The tea (leaves) itself is very fine like granules, thinner even since not rough but smoothly, I see the white bits of the coconuts, mingling with the green tea leaves and the red rooibos; all of this combines makes for a colorful and delightful mixture.

When breathing in the tea’s aroma I take in the jasmine as being more pronounce with the scent of coconut very faint and the rooibos smelling of cinnamon.

Tea’s color is a lively orange color; a golden amber, it is a lovely color.

When I taste this tea, it is the jasmine flavoring meeting me at first. It is not pungent or overly powering. It has a presence of its own, leaving the other flavors lingering in the background.

In all, tea’s color and content is exceptional and tea taste fine as is. I would not add anything to it. I think jasmine is powerfully enough alone and needs no distractions; the mixture of the coconut with the rooibos is like icing and frosting is to a pound or carrot cake.

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 30 sec

Interesting! Jasmine is usually so delicate, I wouldn’t have thought it would mesh well with coconut. (I may have to play with some blending at home.)

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470 tasting notes

I was away from my apartment for three full weeks, and of course came back to a veritable flood of mail. It was about 20 packages, and half of them were tea! Opening them up wasn’t exactly what I imagined: it was more overwhelming than joy-inducing. For once I sat there and said “what am I going to do with all this tea?!” Thankfully it is almost all samples, so I suppose it won’t take too long to go through. I’ve tried to compensate by drinking more tea than usual per a day, but it’s still slow going. And of course now I need a bigger sample basket…

Anyway, I ended up getting my samples from Whispering Pines really late compared to most people. On one hand, it might be a good thing since they got to sit and have all the flavors mingle! On the downside, my entire package smelled like s’mores so it was hard to distinguish any individual tea smells. No cross-contamination, but I picked this for a cold brew based on the name rather than an enticing smell.

This is pretty much what I expected: a nice but demure green base backed by a very nice floral jasmine and a hint of tropical coconut. I could go for a bolder coconut taste, it seems a bit odd that it’s muted since there are so many flakes in the bag! But it’s nice: maybe not in-your-face creamy coconut, but enough to give a distinctive beachy taste to the tea. The jasmine is really the most prominent taste, and I do like iced jasmine teas!

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52 tasting notes

I managed to snag a bit of this from Whispering Pines during their “all orders doubled” special they ran recently. I have a doctors appointment in an hour so I need something to calm my nerves. This tea is a brilliant yellow, nice and cheery – just what I was looking for.

This is a nice little cup of tea. Not too floral, but the notes are definitely there. I’m not really getting a lot of prominent coconut either. A very subtle tea as far as the flavoring goes, but I think it works well as a nice light cup. The green tea base isn’t bitter which is nice because it allows the flavors to linger a bit. Just a light, cheery, soft, slightly floral relaxing cup of tea. I think this one will be perfect when I’m in the mood for it.

180 °F / 82 °C 1 min, 0 sec

LOL – we both posted tasting notes from Whispering Pines within the same time span. Did your order come today, too? This sounds like a really interesting tea. Bummer that the notes don’t come through, though :(


Yes! It did! And I got leelanu smoke too we really are tea twins!!


Haha.. awesome. Which smoke level did you get? Did you get any other teas besides these two and the chai?


I got the recommended level which I believe was medium high and boy it sure does smell smokey! I’ve never had a smokey tea before so this will be my first go. I plan on trying it tomorrow I wanted to try it right away but I was headed to the doctors with a tumbler… Didn’t want him to think I’d taken up smoking and was lying (bc I know he’d ask lol). I just got the 3 teas… Which did you pick?


With this order I wanted to pick out some things I might normally overlook or things I hadn’t thought of trying. I’m still pretty new to tea so I’ve been pretty “safe” with my choices this time I went wild haha!


I got 1 oz of the light and 1 oz of the medium light. I’m normally very sensitive to smokey teas so I wanted to try it at the lightest level. I had the light tonight and it was quite pleasant.

Looking forward to seeing your review!

Have you ever had Lapsang Souchong before? That is a similar type of thea, except it is a black tea that’s smoked.


No, I never have that I recall – I have tried some samples I haven’t logged but all the foreign tea names confuse me. I’m pretty sure that’s something I haven’t tried.


Okay, it’s pretty easy to find at tea shops. If you forget the name, just ask for the “smokey black tea” and they should know what you’re talking about ;)

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1220 tasting notes

I wish send to all capabilities never existed, I’m sure some of you know what I’m saying…getting really tired of my email box being flooded now. Argh.

I’m going to go take lunch to my grandpa which usually results in copious amounts of Coke Zero so it’s tea time before I go. This is pretty interesting, it smells like flowers, but not jasmine. I guess if there was a flower that had some coconut notes to it, this would be the flower.

The combination of jasmine and coconut tastes fruity. I can’t pinpoint exactly what kind of fruit, but it’s interesting! This is sweet, creamy, and just floral enough. If you usually are a jasmine hater, this one is a-ok.

The green tea adds a nice grassy flavor, but I just wish I actually could taste more coconut. The tea is so smooth though I don’t even care!

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6119 tasting notes

J is for… Jasmine Coconut Green!

Out of order because I just happened to stumble on this tonight as I tried to find teas to fulfill sipdown prompts. Located a bag of Whispering Pines samples, half with coconut, that I had never finished. Hopefully I tried them all at least once when fresh?

This one, I apparently did not care for, and couldn’t taste the coconut, therefore it garnered a 53 rating (ouch). I can taste the coconut now – surprisingly, the ultra-shredded pieces are only just starting to go off (just a wee bit soapy), and there’s a nice, light jasmine flavour. I can’t really taste much of the base at all, but it is fairly broken up and I prefer full-leaf greens as the flavour is usually better.

Not a bad tea, but not stellar either. Mostly needs a better base tea that will liven up the flavours, but the jasmine-coconut balance is pretty good.


Holy crap that’s an old tea!


Yeah, I think it might be from around the time Whispering Pines came into existence?

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300 tasting notes

I have been wanting to try some teas from Whispering Pines and while this one wouldn’t necessarily be at the top of my list, I’m glad for the chance to try it thanks to The Traveling Tea Box and Amanda I drank this one last night after dinner and it made a very relaxing evening cup. It reminded me of some other jasmine blends I’ve had namely Teavana’s ToLife (Jasmine Pearls and Rooibos Tropica) only much better and a bit of Verdant’s Eight Treasures Yabao only not quite as good. It did not resteep well, in fact the husband commented on the face I was making when I sipped it. I think this company’s smokier teas would suit me better.

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1113 tasting notes

I think this sample was also from Emilie I love me some jasmine and I love me some coconut, so I was super excited to try this! It is very light and bright and I’m mainly tasting the jasmine here. I may not have known there was coconut in this without seeing it in the name. Its pretty good though :)

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82 tasting notes

My tongue has healed! I’m now able to try the teas from the Traveling Box! So there was enough Jasmine Coconut for one cup of tea. I saved this one as I love Jasmine. The idea of coconut added intrigued me.
Unfortunately for a jasmine lover this just did not have enough jasmine. If you are one who doesn’t like floral then you will love this jasmine. It’s soft and subtle. I think the coconut adds a creamy effect but I’m not really getting much coconut flavor from it.
This was ok, but not one I’ll buy.

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 30 sec
Autumn Hearth

Yay tongue healing!

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