Lemon Sparkling Tea

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Edit tea info Last updated by Roswell Strange
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1 Tasting Note

16956 tasting notes

This was a gift from a friend who saw it at an Asian market and thought I’d want to try it. She was, of course, correct because I always want to try every tea I come across. The first sips were weird. Lemon-y in a fake and artificial way but also weirdly cola-like? I thought for a moment that maybe I’d misread the can and this was flavoured cola instead of tea. But nope, it was just strange. First three or so sips were fine. I wouldn’t go as far as saying good though. However, quickly this funky taste started to vuild up on the back of my palate that soon overwhelmed everything. I can think of no better word to describe it than saying it tasted “stinky”. Couldn’t finish the can because of it.

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