“Thank you so much for passing this along, derk! derk wasn’t thrilled with this one and we had a swap we were building, so I requested this one. I love these types of pu-erh that look like a candy...” Read full tasting note
“This was likely never intended to be brewed Western-style, but yet, owing to my gaiwan-less state, that’s how I made it. The strangest things happen when you put things through what they weren’t...” Read full tasting note
“Another longer morning day, so I picked up something to gaiwan again. Derk, you wanted another opinion so here it is and TY for sample. Unfortunately, I had to make it stronger than usual, 8 grams...” Read full tasting note
“At this point, I’ve given away most of the brick, leaving myself with only 3 pieces. Dropped a 9g chunk into my shou stein and am sipping before I join my first class in a few years — Mandarin...” Read full tasting note
Xingyang Workshop was inspired in 2016 to start pressing a series of pu’er bars based on traditional Chinese medicinal fruits and flowers. Their workshop’s famously clean fermentation process yields a rich sweet and crisp shu pu’er base to press with beautiful bright orange lily blossoms that unfold in the gaiwan with a heady deep aroma. The brick is scored to break into easy single brewing portions.
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