Flowering Green Jasmine Tea

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Flowering Green Blend
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175 °F / 79 °C 4 min, 30 sec

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15 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I drank this a couple of weeks ago with my daughter Arianna, & I swear I wrote a review, but it isn’t here. Oh well… One of my adult harp students stuck around & had tea with me this...” Read full tasting note
  • “Soooo funny story about this tea. I’ve gotten probably 4 of these as samples from verdant and each time I give them away because let’s get real here….jasmine? Green? Flowering? I think not. S...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thanks for the sample, Verdant! This is my first experience with a flowering tea. I never bothered before because I was worried the tea may taste too bitter or vegetal. And to be honest, I’m not a...” Read full tasting note
  • “This is my first flowering tea and I didn’t know what to expect but it worked out well. I drank this with my roommate and we both enjoyed watching it unfurl and pop up. The jasmine isn’t very...” Read full tasting note

From Verdant Tea

It is no coincidence that we introduced our flowering tea on the shortest and darkest day of the year- the winter solstice. At the first breaking of light, we filled our glasses and watched the flowering tea ball slowly open up. Observing the slow process of change and opening in the tea is a comforting and meditative act, a way to remind ourselves that one of tea’s greatest strengths is its ability to remind us of beauty in the little things.

We have long hesitated to bring in a flowering tea because they need to steep for so long that they often go bitter or taste slightly dry. This hand made green jasmine flowering tea stands out in its ability to remain smooth and creamy over long steepings. The base tea is rich, filling and earthy, a satisfying counterpoint to the floral profiles. The amaranth buds taste like fresh clover honey, and the jasmine blossoms leave a lingering sweetness on the tongue.

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15 Tasting Notes

3294 tasting notes

I drank this a couple of weeks ago with my daughter Arianna, & I swear I wrote a review, but it isn’t here. Oh well…

One of my adult harp students stuck around & had tea with me this afternoon. I didn’t have another students right after her, and neither of us were in a hurry, so it was really nice to just hang out. I brought out the glass teapot & we watched the flower bloom. She had never had a blooming tea before & was mesmerized. We sipped, savoring the moment & the tea. It is a very mild jasmine, & the first pot especially had a really nice mouth-feel, like drinking a cup of warm almond milk. We re-steeped, & after she left I resteeped some more.


I got a sample of this with my last order, but I don’t have a glass teapot! I feel like the effect is going to waste, but glad to know it’s tasty

Terri HarpLady

Do you have a glass measuring cup? Or a jar? I’ve brewed flowering teas in both of those before. :)

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15575 tasting notes

Soooo funny story about this tea. I’ve gotten probably 4 of these as samples from verdant and each time I give them away because let’s get real here….jasmine? Green? Flowering? I think not. S when another showed up at my place via cavocorax I had to laugh. I took it as a sign that I should just try the darn thing. So I did. It’s MUCHless jasmine that I thought it would be and isn’t overly floral. I still don’t love it, but its not nearly as terrible as I thought it would be given my taste preferences. Soooo a win? Or at least not a loss…plus…sipdown! Haha

Terri HarpLady

I’ve steeped a couple of these, & keep trying to give away the rest, LOL. It’s not bad, but I’m not really into the blooming tea thing. The first couple of times I had a blooming tea, it was kind of a cool ohh, aahhh experience, and maybe kind of fun for a novelty for a guest, but NEXT!
I’m guessing these didn’t sell that well, because they were the free sample in every Verdant order I placed, over & over again.


I got one of these as a sample and then specifically requested not one of them as a sample in my next order. I enjoyed it fine, but like you Terri, I am not really into the whole flowering tea thing.


This one surprised me. Jasmine borderline frightens me and you’re right, the jasmine was super calm.


I sent it to you? Ha! I wonder where I got it from!


I wonder if this is the fruitcake of tea. Sounds like Terri’s passed some of hers around too.


lol i think it is…at least where verdant is concerned.


Lol! I still have mine. Haven’t steeped it yet cuz it’s so fussy!

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1792 tasting notes

Thanks for the sample, Verdant! This is my first experience with a flowering tea. I never bothered before because I was worried the tea may taste too bitter or vegetal. And to be honest, I’m not a fan of jasmine, so when I got this one in particular, I was ultra hesitant.

It took nearly ten minutes to unfurl or so. Wasn’t counting, but slowly but surely, that beautiful amaranth appeared.

And would you know that it also tastes simply delicious? I actually don’t detect any jasmine. It’s a little buttery, but as it starts to cool, it’s leaning more towards vegetal. Then there’s something a little floral in the background, but not jasmine nor amaranth. I just ate beets so my sense of taste is a little off, so maybe it’s the clover honey? Could be blending in with the sweetness of the beets.

Either way, it’s good stuff, and I’m glad to have finally experienced a flowering tea.


So pretty to look at!


Cool! :)

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1445 tasting notes

This is my first flowering tea and I didn’t know what to expect but it worked out well. I drank this with my roommate and we both enjoyed watching it unfurl and pop up.

The jasmine isn’t very strong, especially when compared to the likes of the yunnan jasmine white, but it is still pleasantly present. My roommate said it reminded her of buttery dragonwell- the green base is a very smooth one with little to no vegetal undertones. The finish contains a clover honey like sweetness. It’s filling in a rich, heady floral way but it’s never overpowering.

The great thing about this one is we were able to take our time admiring the flowering tea, get distracted and look at animal gifs on tumblr, and pour ourselves some more tea without having to worry about it getting overwhelmingly bitter or strong. This is a beautiful, easy going tea, with a decent flavour profile, even on its third steep.

160 °F / 71 °C

What type of vessel did you brew this in? I have 2 that I have been wanting to brew but I don’t know what to make them in!


My tiny glass gongfu is not tall enough, so I steeped it in a glass bodum coffee press that is used for tea by my roommate. If we’d had an average measuring glass, or pitcher, and filled it to the top that probably would’ve worked too. If it’s just you drinking it a glass mug or cup would be fine! :)

A clear bodom teapot, or a flowering glass teapot are easiest though.


I use a canning jar. :)


OMGsrsly – very clever! I would have never thought of that :)


Thanks for the info! I’ll have to see what I have, I know I have a big glass pasta jar I’ve been saving for cold brewing so it might work too :)


I do all my cold steepings in canning jars, and since they’re heat proof I tried hot brewing as well. Careful with your fingers, the glass conducts heat very well!


I have practically nothing to brew my sample in, so I will probably end up using a glass flower vase. :P


Flower vase sounds fine as long as it’s not too big and you can pour/drink out of it without burning yourself if you’re hot brewing. :P I like the canning jar idea too.


Oh, I will inevitably burn myself. LOL!

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2201 tasting notes

Sipdown, 219. I got this as a sample with my last Verdant order and decided to try it today. I actually have never tried a flowering tea because I am a tad scared of them. Leaving tea in the water long enough to actually open sounds like a recipe for disaster to me. But I will try this one because it’s Verdant.

I am using my 12oz glass mug for this one. I heated my water and poured it in over the little ball, and then my boyfriend and I watched it slowly unfurl. After a while , when I could see the pink amaranth flower reasonably well, I sniffed and was surprised by an aroma of… well, pretty much green tea. No florals that I could detect. I took a tenative sip and yeah, I don’t get any jasmine here at all. I started sipping it, as it continued to unfurl. The liquor does have an amazingly smooth, thick mouthfeel. The flavor is vegetal, a little grassy, a bit buttery and perhaps a touch sweet. Eventually it fully opened and I started seeing the white jasmine flower as well, then finally the ball of tea sank, but the amaranth flower refused and popped off, still floating. When I poured in more water, perhaps I was not gentle enough because the amaranth flower began to come apart. Also, I don’t know if this is part of the design or not, but now it is on a crazy jasmine flower tether to the tea ball at the bottom, while it floats at the surface. The photos of it expanded on Verdant’s site don’t show it doing that, so perhaps mine was just special. Here’s a photo of my cup for those who are interested: http://flic.kr/p/e2pNw4

The second steep is definitely sweeter, a little more honeyed. I think I was misled by the description that this is a “green jasmine” tea in the name. It is a decently tasty green tea, but I didn’t get any jasmine from it, and its not something I would go out of my way for. Like I said this was my first flowering tea, so it may be that this one is great as a showpiece for people who like to have them for parties and such, because it still tastes good once its done blooming.

185 °F / 85 °C

Yeah, the jasmine was more back drop. Not that I am complaining. I’d take honey over jasmine any day; since most of the time I have had jasmine blooming teas they seem to be intoxicated with it.


Haha, yeah I want to be intoxicated by jasmine usually. :) Different tastes!

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2291 tasting notes

I received this as a sample with my first verdant order, and basically avoided drinking it.

I’m not feeling so great today, and thought that some jasmine would be OK. At least I should be drinking greens and herbals instead of flavoured matcha or strong black teas!

Sadly, it doesn’t really taste of much. It smells like a mildly flowery green tea.

The expanded blossom is pretty, but I don’t really care for flowering teas because they’re never as tasty as they look.

I’ll drink this, as it’s lightly flavoured warm water and therefore good for me, but I definitely wouldn’t search it out.

Edit: After sitting a while, it’s really a lot of sweet potato with loads of green bean aftertaste. Umm. I can’t finish the pot.

185 °F / 85 °C

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143 tasting notes

How does this tea note have any notes? (Unless I have missed it some how.) I made some this last night and found it to be lovely. It tastes strongly of clover honey and leaves a wonderful creamy soft, and dewy mouth feel. I wrote a full review on my blog, but short story is I am going to pick up another ounce of this on my next verdant order.


185 °F / 85 °C 1 min, 15 sec

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166 tasting notes

I received this several months ago and it slipped out of my mind. I’ve never tried a flowering tea. The label says Happy Holidays! New Flowering Tea. I’m not sure if it is the same one as everyone else has commented on. Like others have reported, it doesn’t have much if any jasmine flavor. I like it though. Its smooth, mild, slightly vegetal (and no bitterness)-a pleasant experience.

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183 tasting notes

I always wanted to try one of these. It unfurled slowly (the opening process was definitely cool to watch, as was the end result), and I was afraid the long steep would make it bitter, but I never took the leaves/flower out and it was good the whole time, even after sitting for like 20 minutes. Kind of a mild, pleasant, mostly green tea taste. It kind of reminded me of the dragonwell green I just had from the same company. My lady friend really enjoyed this as well.

175 °F / 79 °C 8 min or more

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75 tasting notes

This one is certainly beautiful to watch. The brewing process was more exciting than drinking the tea for me. I do not taste any jasmine in this. It has an intense vegetal flavor and tastes like a plain green tea. I did not like drinking it very much (just my tastes, not because the tea was bad). However, I enjoyed watching my first flowering tea “bloom”

170 °F / 76 °C 4 min, 30 sec

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