“RIP John Lennon. I have to admit I am in my infancy in the world of Pu’ers. One thing I can say is I know what I like. This I love. I did’nt have a lot to brew so I steeped it a bit longer than...” Read full tasting note
“As I sip this amazing offering from a company I feel like I am friends with, I can’t help but be disturbed by the claims of certain people on the internet. Claims? Slander. I’m upset, because I...” Read full tasting note
“I’m still trying to find my way in and around the world of pu-erh. I just had a 21 year old wild tree pu-erh so perhaps it isn’t a good time to try something else. There is some interesting stuff...” Read full tasting note
“Tommy The Toad was kind enough to send me some samples to introduce me to unflavored pu-erh, this being the first of them I decided to try. I can’t thank him enough for helping me branch out. To be...” Read full tasting note
Year: Picked 2005, Pressed 2007
Dry Leaf: Dark orange buds, curled with occasional spring leaves. Loose brick compression
Aroma: Mesquite and char-broiled mustiness with heavy brown sugar aroma and notes of semolina flour and fig laced with dark muscatel.
Tea Color: Thick burnt orange, with the down of the buds visible. Fine swirls of tea oil on the surface.
Taste through early steepings: Sweet caramelized citrus and plum sauce dominate as the tea first engages the palate. This quickly gives way to a blackberry hibiscus mild tartness on the sides of the tongue and the musty texture of burning cedar wood as a lingering aftertaste.
Taste in middle to late steepings: The intense thick and creamy quality of early steepings lifts like a fog to reveal an equally intriguing late flavor where the tingling coolness of pine dominates, with accents of black peppercorn. Very late in steeping (Infusions 15-20) give notes of orange peel candied in raw sugar, with muscatel grape lingering in the throat.
Steeped Leaf: Completely unbroken, dark purple curled buds and young leaves.
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