This came as a free sample with my first order from Vahdam Teas. I say first order, but I have shopped with them previously when they were still Golden Tips Tea. That was many moons ago! What I’d forgotten is that their shipping is so fast! It struck me as rather ironic that an order from India arrived faster than an order from inside the UK, but there you go. Can’t fault their customer service, so far.
I like the level of information on their packaging, which includes all the usual things (name, ingredients, brewing guidelines), but also the month of picking (in this case, October 2017), and the grade of tea (FTGFOP1). I feel like they’re things I rarely come across, but I like knowing. I think it adds a little something to the experience.
As EG goes, this one is pretty good. It’s not too heavy on the bergamot, which is a bonus, just delicately citrussy. It’s sweeter than I’m used to finding; smooth and mellow rather than harsh and biting. The black tea is the real star here, though, being sweetly malty with the tiniest background hint of spice. This could be a good EG for EG haters, I think!
Today’s cup was straight and black, but I really want to try this as a London Fog. On the list of things to try it goes!