Rote Grütze (Red Groats)

Tea type
Fruit Herbal Blend
Not available
Berries, Biting, Blueberry, Hibiscus, Medicinal, Metallic, Strawberry, Tart, Vanilla, Grapes
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by derk
Average preparation
Boiling 8 min or more 4 g 8 oz / 239 ml

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From Upton Tea Imports

Rote Grutze, or Red Groats, is a sweet fruit blend, originating in Denmark and northern Germany. This naturally flavored herbal is a delightful melange of grapes, elderberries, blueberries and hibiscus. A hint of sugar cookie sweetness complements the tart fruity flavor. This refreshing, caffeine-free beverage tastes great hot or iced.

Steeping Suggestions
Leaf Quantity: 2.25 g/6oz cup
Steep Time: 8 min.
Water Temperature: 212 degrees (boiling)
hibiscus, grapes, elderberries, blueberries, natural flavor

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8 Tasting Notes

117 tasting notes

Still drinking this iced. This is like the third pitcher I’ve made in the last week. I’m fascinated by the elderberry and blackcurrant flavors.

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1652 tasting notes

The dry tea smells so berry-vanilla(?) syrupy sweet and medicinal that it frightened me. Delay no more, I brewed it up last night and again this morning. The steam smells the same with a metallic iron addition from the hibiscus. The taste is very tart with hibiscus, some iron. Berry tastes swirl around in the magenta brew, notably the concentrated syrupy taste of elderberries with some blueberry and also strawberry, which is not in the tea but maybe as a flavoring? I do not taste grapes, which are in the blend and noted by Martin. The berry notes linger after the swallow. I feel like it’s a bit cooling with a throat-opening quality beyond the hibiscus bite. Good for one steep, maybe 2 if you shorten the initial steep time but the second brew comes out very pale and much weaker tasting in comparison.

This is definitely not for those with a distaste for hibiscus. I find it enjoyable, though, and am happy that it passed from White Antlers’ cupboard to mine. It’s one of the better berry-hibiscus brews I’ve had.

Flavors: Berries, Biting, Blueberry, Hibiscus, Medicinal, Metallic, Strawberry, Tart, Vanilla

Boiling 8 min or more 1 tsp 6 OZ / 177 ML
Mastress Alita

Sounds delicious. I had a deep craving for blood-red hibi-fruit tea over the weekend, myself. Will post that review after the initial site dump is caught up a bit.

White Antlers

Glad you enjoyed this derk. I bought it based on the tasting note someone here had written (can’t recall who it was…) and was not wowed or impressed with it at all.

Martin Bednář

Metallic? Well, maybe it is that grape flavour I noticed, haha! Interesting blend nevertheless!

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2065 tasting notes

Uh oh, this is tart. In aroma of loose pieces. I notice mostly hibiscus, and never noticed it that much as in this one. Mastress Alita, something for you maybe? Let’s see.

It brews, after 8 minutes steep, dark red colour. It brings memories of cheap and fruit teas from my childhood, on summer camps, at my grandma’s flat, even at home back (now) and then.

Back to the tea. Aroma is as well tart. Much less luckily and I note grapes. Surpringly sips aren’t tart, it is rather quite juicy and enjoyable. It’s quite simple drink, I believe making it iced would be great.

Good one… for evenings. Bit too tart for my taste.

Managed to write few more pages on the thesis. Mostly I managed to make one page with images with subcaptions! Happy with the progress today.
Tasting note 800? How?

Flavors: Grapes, Tart

205 °F / 96 °C 8 min or more 4 g 10 OZ / 300 ML
White Antlers

800 tasting notes?! That is a LOT of tea! Congratulations and keep going. : )

Mastress Alita

Oh ya, I love me those tart hibi teas! Which I do mostly drink iced, though there is one I’m addicted to that is hibi blended with ginger and tangerine oil that I’ve been drinking GOBS of as hot as my throat can handle while I’ve been down with congestion. I had to order in more of that stuff.


Congratulations on your 800th tasting note!


woooof this smells like cough syrup to me. Can’t bring myself to brew it yet.

Martin Bednář

You should give it a try though :D

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673 tasting notes

an ok tea, probably wont buy this again

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