Surprised how much I like this one. The last bunch of Earls I’ve tried I haven’t been as into, Upton and other companies included. And I’ve pretty much made my peace with the fact two of the very first I ever tried (Upton Imports Lavender and Creme Vanilla) are just going to be go-to and I probably won’t find others that clear that bar (Teajo Teas Silky Earl Grey also made me go “uh that’s it, shut it down, we have a winner folks” regarding the great Earl Gey Tea-Off I had going on), especially from Upton, that comfort me as much. But this one’s nice and basic, no bells and whistles but it delivers that tea flavor and clean element I want when I reach without thinking for an EG. No distractions or weird “bottled orange blossom essence” funk (and I do love bergamot, just not that specific manifestation of it). I could see picking a bit of this up whenever I’m restocking Lavender and Creme from Upton, as nice “don’t think about it” basic tea padding (you know, for mornings your tastebuds are impaired, or for going out of town and just wanting to bring SOMETHING).
Sometimes I wonder about how much mood/context plays a role in tea experience and appreciation. At times I can sort of tell no tea is going to get through to me because I’m in a foul mood or for some reason nothing, food included, tastes good for a couple days, and other times I feel like I’m so receptive and cheerful anything that isn’t dishwater is going to sit right with me. Hm. Feels like I may be having one of those days of the latter; it is Friday after all, no more trips for a few months so things are back to normal (I’m like an introvert about routine and homey plainness, if that makes sense…when I go too long without a nice stretch of time with that, I get squirrely, no matter how much I love traveling and doing new things), and tonight we’re meeting up with friends for Vietnamese food and then touring one of the haunted houses in the Victorian Village. Fun!
I’m starting to think that I’m not a big EG fan too. That bergamot messes things up sometimes.