Received from tea bag exchange last November. Since then it was in huge bags section.
I don’t really enjoyed it. It was easydrinking but meh. Red fruits in Italy probably mean big load of hibiscus and strawberry and raspberry flavours. They claim it is natural, but it is pretty artificial.
Natural flavour is an extremely vague term that really doesn’t tell us much about what’s actually in the product we’re eating (from Google search and quickly found)
Pretty much I understand it is that. Nothing and pretty artificial probably. There are no red fruits in ingredients.
And taste… come on Twinings, you can do better! Even in fruit tea category. Bleh, meh, only tartness from hibiscus and… little bit of strawberries. So little that maybe I just thought it’s there because of picture on tea bag.
Flavors: Hibiscus, Tart
Yeah, “natural” to me means from nature, which means to me actually everything on the planet that is produced, because all the ingredients come from somewhere in nature? So I don’t take any stock in something that says “natural”.
Yeah tea-sipper; I have similar feeling for natural stuff. Everything is more-less natural. It’s like some people here are saying they avoid “Chemistry” in their lives. How? They are living on air only? But that’s chemistry too.
It’s not necessary bad thing, but here it a) wasn’t pronounced much b) and that little was actually pretty artificial.