Tea type
Fruit Green Blend
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Bulk, Loose Leaf, Sachet
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Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
160 °F / 71 °C 2 min, 15 sec 8 oz / 236 ml

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11 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Sipdown! 9/365 Dang. Waited too long on this for sure. It’s noticeably stale, or at least, I think that’s the flavour I’m getting out of it. I can also taste the metallic tang of a too-old green...” Read full tasting note
  • “Here’s Hoping Traveling Teabox – Round #5 – Tea #14 I wasn’t expecting much from this, since it’s in a thin baggie, but it’s actually quite good. Sencha, pineapple and ginseng. A big piece of...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thanks for passing some of this down, MissB! I went into this completely blind. Didn’t bother reading up on what’s in here but could smell something vaguely sweet. I was anticipating something...” Read full tasting note
  • “I got some of this tea from MissB and was a little hesitant based on the reviews, but I did see that it might be best cold brewed (my plan with it anyway, since it is a green). I also took a couple...” Read full tasting note

From TWG Tea Company

A beckoning blend of the finest harvest green tea and rare ginseng root is crowned with alluring and unforgettable notes of succulent royal pineapple. An exceptional tea to pursue to the ends of the earth.

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11 Tasting Notes

6119 tasting notes

Sipdown! 9/365

Dang. Waited too long on this for sure. It’s noticeably stale, or at least, I think that’s the flavour I’m getting out of it. I can also taste the metallic tang of a too-old green tea base. I think I can get a whiff of pineapple if I sniff the tea really hard, but the staleness overwhelms anything in the flavour. Too bad, this is probably one of the only cups of tea I’ll actually dump out. I even drank yesterday’s Sencha because it had some redeeming qualities… this has none. Oh well. At least there was only a cup’s worth.

ETA: I see from other reviews that there is ginseng in here. I’m not overly familiar with ginseng in tea, but it’s possible that it’s contributing to the flavour I dislike here.

Mastress Alita

I don’t like the taste of ginseng, myself. Was the taste you found unappealing sort of musty/earthy/medicinal-tasting? That is what ginseng tstes like to me.


It was musty, possibly earthy. I’ve had ginseng oolongs before and only recall them being sweet and pleasant. This was downright bad. I can honestly say that other than some teas where the coconut has gone off, this was probably the worst-tasting tea I’ve had!

Mastress Alita

Ya, I have a ginseng oolong, but usually they are powdered in licorice, so they taste… sweet and pleasant. Not musty and downright bad. The ginseng oolongs that look like the little pebbles are the only ginseng teas I can drink, but then, I am a huge licorice root lover. :-P The sweetness and the oolong base tempers out the ginseng grossness in those.


I bet that’s it then. I dislike ginseng! I actually did not know that it was powdered licorice on the ginseng teas I’d had before (I’ve only had the tiny, powdery, pebbled version, and only a couple times, I think). For science, though, I think I’ll need to try another ginseng tea… :/


Aw, I tried this tea when it was older from a tea box and I really liked it… I just just tasting a great pineapple flavor.

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4336 tasting notes

Here’s Hoping Traveling Teabox – Round #5 – Tea #14
I wasn’t expecting much from this, since it’s in a thin baggie, but it’s actually quite good. Sencha, pineapple and ginseng. A big piece of ginseng went in the infuser and plenty of pineapple flavor came out. I love a pineapple tea. Both steeps were nice, fruity, refreshing. Hopefully someone else enjoys the last serving…

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1792 tasting notes

Thanks for passing some of this down, MissB!

I went into this completely blind. Didn’t bother reading up on what’s in here but could smell something vaguely sweet. I was anticipating something fruity based on the dried fruit chunks but I didn’t know what exactly.

Unfortunately, once steeped, it’s just a green tea, although I detect something herbal in the background. There’s a bitterness but it could be from the base or this herbal note too.

Sure enough, now that I logged onto Steepster and checked out the ingredients in this one, it’s pineapple that’s in here, but completely unnoticeable in flavour, plus ginseng. Ohhhh, ginseng! I would have never have guessed that. It’s been so long since having it that I didn’t even think of it.

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2201 tasting notes

I got some of this tea from MissB and was a little hesitant based on the reviews, but I did see that it might be best cold brewed (my plan with it anyway, since it is a green). I also took a couple big hunks of ginseng root out of the infuser, since I’m not huge on ginseng.

This was definitely really pinappley. Unfortunately, it was kind of fakey and candy-like, and not in a good way. It was drinkable, but not my fave. Glad I cold-steeped it though, it seems like the best method.

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1445 tasting notes

Thanks, MissB and OMGsrsly, for sending this my way!

This tea is a funny one. The dry leaf smells pleasantly fruity, but after I steeped it I had to double check that I hadn’t yet opened my can of tuna fish. It wasn’t the nicest wet leaf smell, although it was a moot point after I dug into lunch. Canned tuna wins yet another battle in the olfactory wars!

Once I got over the smell, the flavour is pretty straightforward: preserved and sweetened pineapple pieces. I can appreciate that.

Flavors: Pineapple

160 °F / 71 °C 2 min, 30 sec

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2291 tasting notes

Thanks for the tea, MissB!

Unfortunately, it just doesn’t smell good when steeped up. IDK what it is about it, but I keep getting wafts from the cup and wrinkling my nose wondering what smells so bad, since I’m bagging up all these French teas and they smell so good!

I think I know what the problem is though. It’s just lost all the pineapple flavour. It’s just a basic sencha base, which isn’t really my favourite kind of tea.

Well, thanks for the sample MissB, but if I want the full experience, I think I’ll need to go into the TWG store here and get a cup to go. :)

165 °F / 73 °C 2 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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6444 tasting notes

Thank you MissB for sharing! This is an alright cup. I am a fan of pineapple and that is certainly present here. There is also another flavor, which I am guessing is the ginseng that is sort of just there and neither adds or detracts from the cup. At the end of the day though, this is on a green base and I’m just not a lover of of green teas. Still, it’s always fun to try something new.

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15575 tasting notes

another from missB this one has pineapple in it…and as result, was a much tastier option for me versus paris singapore but still just wasn’t cutting it for me. LIkely the result of the “green” of the tea. I’m fairly particular about my green teas…most are not up my alley. Still though, for people who like green teas, this is a nice one.

Final Count yesterday: 69


I too am picky about greens!


69 is pretty amazing! I’m at 115. I’m hoping to hit 100 before I meet up with you…

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1780 tasting notes

Cold brew is the way to go on this! I cold brewed the tea bag overnight with some sugar added in (a little too much sugar) and it is way better than it was hot. The pineapple flavor really comes out nicely, but there is still that dirt/ginseng flavor. Don’t think I’m a ginseng hater, I like it and it’s alkaline taste, but it is a little odd mixed in a fruity tea. It blends okay with the pineapple at the beginning of the sip, but the aftertaste is all ginseng and reminds me of when I was younger and would get the liquid ginseng shots from some of the Asian markets near where I worked. I loved the little bottles they came in. As I get closer to the bottom of this cup, the ginseng seems to fade or maybe my brain is just muting it out, but the pineapple is more prominent and that is nice. I like this a lot better now! I still don’t feel like it is something I’d pick out and buy, but I’m glad to have tried it.


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