I pulled in the photo of the bagged version of this tea; I have loose leaf at home: this is also the company that once put out my gold standard favorite strawberry tea ever, but I can’t see that they are currently purveying anything.
At any rate … we did a carry out lunch in support of our favorite restaurant: a mom and pop Thai place. Ahh…after days of my lousy cooking, fresh pud thai and tamarind chicken! And though I am not much of a jasmine fan, for some reason, I craved this for dessert. It is exactly what it says it is. Decent green tea with jasmine. Since this isn’t a regular drinker at my house, that is absolutely adequate.
I finished the cup to the last drop several minutes ago, but the scent is still there. Maybe that’s it — I just needed a good sniff of spring!
Sounds like a lovely meal! We tried to support our little Chinese restaurant which is just a few blocks away, and after the phone rang for a really long time I checked online and saw they have closed temporarily to stay safe. I hope they make it through this financially,
We are trying to support our local shops too. This has been a hard time for them.