They say it’s spring as of 12:07 EST today. I’m going by what outside says and it says cold. So I’m by the fireplace with a cup of this and it’s delicious. Many thanks to Dexter3657 for this one. I’ve avoided it because it’s rooibos and also because although I’ve been drinking a pot of tea each night, we’ve been drinking chocolate teas. My partner has gotten into the habit of nightly tea — a lovely habit, don’t you agree? — but she is not adventurous when it comes to her nightly tea. She wants comfort, not surprises, so I never ever make new-to-me tea at night. Kinda like when company is coming for dinner: you make your tried and and true recipes, you don’t subject your guests to something that you just came up with that might be, but most often isn’t, fabulous :)
But she’s not home right now and something about the white chocolate was calling my name. I love this tea. It is quite minty but with some raw sugar and vanilla creamer it is yumm-o! Rooibos only a little at the back and only if you’ve had rooibos before and you know what to look for. Maybe rooibos will come out more later on as it cools but I’m likely not going to see it for this ain’t gonna be cooling!
PS. You all will think i’m NUTS but I can feel the mint in my right ear. (probably from the throat… you know, ENT and all). Dude. I’m nuts
It’s supposed to be white chocolate if I recall :)