Arya Diamond SF -13 (DJ-55)

Tea type
Black Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by Dag Wedin
Average preparation
Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 3 g 6 oz / 170 ml

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  • “3g / 200ml glaspot 3m @ 100C I always have high expectations on Arya estate teas. They seem to have a talent for producing superb teas. The cup is bright golden and reminds me of forest honey. The...” Read full tasting note

From Thunderbolt Tea

Amongst all the line of Darjeeling black tea jewels that Arya produces, Arya Diamond is one of the most intricately observed tea in production yielding out into an outstanding tea. This year’s 2013 Second Flush Arya Diamond Darjeeling is one that boasts of having all the good qualities in all spheres of its overall characteristics, be it apperance, infusion or the liqor in the tea cup. Pearl and Diamond are the most expensive Darjeeling Teas Arya produces and is produced on demand only. We ordered a small lot and Mr. Roy played his part well – an excellent Second Flush 2013 Darjeeling Tea which is limited in quantity. If you are a serious tea lover, we highly recommend you try this Darjeeling Tea and deduce your own conclusions!
Arya Diamond Dry Leaves:

According to Mr. Roy, this tea has been made from specially plucked clonal leaves having just one leaf and a bud. A lot of labor has been put by the women tea pluckers of Arya Tea Estate and thanks to them for making this tea possible. It has an overall attractive bloom which are fairly larger in size than the normal classic graded Darjeeling teas. The leaves are elongated and wiry with dark yellowish and chocolate brown color. There is abundance of silver and golden tips, quite remarkably handled during processing – the yellowish color are mainly that of the golden buds. It has a rich smell which seemingly bears similarity to that of a complex mixture of chocolate, mint and fresh fruits. The nutty/almondy aroma is also worth mentioning here.
Arya Diamond Infusion or Wet Leaves:

The infused leaves beautifully opens up and occupies quite a space on the inverted lid of the tea tasting cup. The infused leaf size depicts the original size of the tea leaf. It has a lively brown/coppery overall infusion with the golden and silver tips/buds turning pale yellow in color. One leaf and a bud is quite visible. It has a sweet fragrance with slight hints of lemon. It also has a nutty character which comes coated with the complexity of different fruits.

Arya Diamond Cup or Liqour:

It has quite a full bodied cup – turning dark reddish in color. Classic Darjeelings always bear that tiny size china styled leaves while opposed to it, this tea has a light and bright golden/red brew. The tea is brisk and an instant sweetness can be felt when sipped. It also lends a nutty character with some complex undertones of fruitiness reminiscent of ripe apples and pineapple.

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3 Tasting Notes

239 tasting notes

3g / 200ml glaspot
3m @ 100C

I always have high expectations on Arya estate teas. They seem to have a talent for producing superb teas.
The cup is bright golden and reminds me of forest honey. The smell is slightly nutty and sweet.
First sip reveals a veru clean flavourfull taste. the body is free from any dry grainyness. complex flavours, thee is some menthol/herb backed by nuttyness and a slight wellbalanced astringancy. This is by far the best second flush tea i´ve ever tasted. It is sublime! Perhaps there is some notes reminding me of applepeel. The aftertaste lingers without dry notes, only some sweet applepeel and astringancy.
WOW my whole mouth feels refreshed!

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

I’ve had their tea’s and agree!

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