I’m so bummed about this one. The dry leaves have a sharp chemical smell, and the brewed tea just tastes off to me.
When brewed for 30 seconds, the aroma smells like bandaids. Then a little floral, like jasmine. Then minty bandaids. When I taste it after 30 seconds: bandaids
30 more: floral bandaids
3 min: bandaids and pine
I SO wanted to love this. The lotus is the most beautiful flower and I spend my summers at the nearby park whose lake grows American Lotus flowers for as far as the eye can see. They are a creamy yellow and contrast beautifully with the purple loosestrife growing in the lake.
But this tea… a bandaid-like flavor is well-known to home beer brewers, because it indicates that your brew is “off”. Some wild yeast or bacteria has infected it. I don’t know what it indicates in tea, except that there’s something wrong with the tea, or with my taste buds!
I tried this again with one long steep, and this is how every sip goes: chemically start, unidentified floral in the middle, with a bandaid finish.
I get this for a friend of mine at least several times a year because its their absolute favorite and they have a uncanny knack for brewing this tea perfectly
I brewed this in my breville, and it turned out awesome. I got two very flavorful steeps out of it. But, I do wish now that I would have steeped it in my gaiwan, I think it would have been even better.