I’ve got to remember to type out my notes somewhere else and then copy it when I’m ready to submit. More than a few times now I’ve lost everything because I clicked in the wrong area of the browser window and had the review closed on me. Serious, I really need to learn my lesson.
So, I came into this pretty blind. I made the order about 2 months ago now and the packet hadn’t yet been opened. So I had no memory of the description anymore.
I have a pretty low ratio of teas I like compared to teas I try. So I was a little surprised here. I actually like this.
The first thing I noticed is a fruity type vibe, though I couldn’t put a name to what kind of fruit. After a bit, I looked at the description again and yeah, I think apple might be fitting for that flavor. Its especially noticeable in the aftertaste where a lovely sweetness comes along with it. I don’t think I really get the spices thing though.
I also agree these is no to low astringency here steeped western style with full boiling water. Its not quite as smooth as it gets cold (hey, work has a lot of distractions), but still pretty good.
Second steep is also quite lovely. Still the apple and that sight sweetness in the aftertaste. Ugh, why didn’t I try this sooner?
Still going well by the 4th steep.
I don’t know yet if this is going to be a rebuy or not. If so, its not going to happen for a while. I ended up with way too much tea coming in between Back Friday and gifts from others. But I will consider it next time I make a restock order from The Steeping Room.