Another sample from miss Marzipan and her holiday package! Mm, another figgy tea. This should be interesting. For some reason, they felt the need to add lavender to this tea, which doesn’t make sense to me if it’s supposed to be figgy pudding. Am I missing something? Ah well, I’ll try it anyway because fig. There was one huge piece of dried fig in the sample, and I made sure to get it into my cup.
I can definitely smell the lavender in the steeped tea, but I can also smell some yummy and strong fig aroma. Oof, there’s definitely too much lavender in this one for me, and it’s overpowering the delicious figginess. I can taste the fig slightly in the background, and then it comes out a bit at the end, but otherwise it might as well be lavender black tea. :(
Flavors: Fig, Honey, Lavender, Smooth
The lavender killed it for me, too. Bleck.
does not sound like a winner!