“Dry Leaf Sweet, slightly earthy. Wet Leaf Earthy, sweet and refreshing Liquor Dark bronze color with thin malty layers on top. Gong Fu in Porcelain Gaiwan 5oz/5-6g 1st – 10secs Sweet and refreshing...” Read full tasting note
“Thank you JC for this sample tea! I’ve had Tibetan Pu-erh before and thought they were supposed to be pretty much the same. Evidently NOT! What I drank before was ‘what the men drink who are...” Read full tasting note
Tibetan high grade bamboo bark wrapped Puerh. The brick is mostly buds and smaller leafs, most Tibetan Puerh uses a coarser mixture of stems and broken leafs. 2002 Production compressed into a 250g ripe cake.
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