This is from the sampler I got a few weeks ago from the Devotea. I’ve enjoyed sampling their teas, especially the black ones.
This one isn’t bad. I’m drinking it hot, with a pinch of sweet, because it’s cold here in St. Louis! It is lemony & bright from the combo of lemon peel & hibiscus. It also contains marshmallow leaves & root. Marshmallow was originally used as a treatment for sore throats. The thick juice & pieces of the root were combined with honey as a healing treat. Modern day ‘Marshmallows’ were inspired by, but have nothing to do with the original, they are merely a cheap knockoff, & of course, there is nothing healthy about them :)
Really pleased to hear that you enjoyed that one. It’s a US-only blend created by Nicole. I believe she has done a great job. As I am allergic to lemons, I will never find out for myself, I can only go on comments and reviews.
sounds tasty!
Allergic to lemons? Does that extend to all citrus Robert?
Yes, so that includes citrus blends I have personally created, such as Lady Devotea. Blended by nose, and by forcing others to try it.
Oh well…there’s always lemon grass, lemon balm, & lemon verbena! :)
Oh indeed, my thoughts exactly, if you’d care to read this: