Another TeaVivre free sample. It’s a 3g tea bag, I can see big chunks of yummy ginger in there. The ginger aroma is super strong. I’m ginger crazy so I like it. First or maybe the second time I’ve tried store bought ginger tea so no experience in comparing it to others. Its a reddish-amber liquor that smells like surprise… Ginger. :) It’s a smooth tea, mild in flavor, lots of ginger taste with some spices. A little peppery feeling on the tongue, cinnamon notes. What I liked about it is that it was mild in flavor despite the strong ginger aroma, and it was delicately sweet so if you have to have honey in your ginger tea, you may be able to bypass that on this one. The black tea was mellow and a little malty. Overall, it was a good experience and a good cup of ginger tea.
Flavors: Cinnamon, Ginger, Spices, Spicy