Superfine Keemun Fragrant Black Tea

Tea type
Black Tea
Black Tea Leaves
Heavy, Cherry, Grain, Honey, Plum, Smoke, Sweet Potatoes, Berries, Bread, Malt, Candy, Caramel, Earth, Tannic, Almond, Sweet, Chocolate, Flowers, Fruity, Orchids, Sugarcane, Dried Fruit, Oats, Toast, Floral, Grape Skin, Muscatel, Smooth, Thick, Salt, Yams, Astringent, Bitter, Tannin
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by TeaVivre
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 30 sec 5 g 26 oz / 769 ml

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  • “steepster is making me mad this morning. It won’t let me comment on people’s tasting notes, but it’s hit or miss…so sometimes i can, othertimes i can’t. I WILL NOT BE SILENCED DAMNIT! lol i am...” Read full tasting note
  • “This was the tea I started my day with! My tea drinking gameplan today had been to sample all of the Keemuns in my collection, so I started with this one. Then I left the house to meet my friend,...” Read full tasting note
  • “Alas! I am out of this one! I think this means I am now officially out of ALL Keemun tea, which means an order is in order. I just placed a Teavivre order but didn’t realize I was so low on this...” Read full tasting note
  • “I wanted something I hadn’t sipped in a while. This one jumped out of the drawer shouting drink me, drink me! Took a scoop and the fragrance of the dry leaf in the press is so good. Cocoa, grain,...” Read full tasting note

From Teavivre

Origin: Mt. Huangshan(黄山) in Anhui Province, China

Ingredients: Tight and thin shape of dry tea leaves, which has Keemun fragrance, a unique fruity flavor mixed with fragrance of sweet potatoes and flower

Taste: It tastes sweet, fruity and floral flavor; smooth and mellow taste in mouth. Aftertaste acts quickly and lasts long

Brew: 2 teaspoons for 17oz of water. Brew at 176℉ ( 80℃) for 1 to 3 minutes (exact time depends on your taste – a longer time will give the tea a stronger taste and color)

Health Benefits: Keemun black tea is fully oxidised, and so does not have the same level of antioxidants as our Green or White teas. However it still makes a great healthy tea to drink, especially if drunk with no or minimal milk and sugar, and provides a great natural source of fluoride and other vitamins.

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177 Tasting Notes

709 tasting notes

I got a sample of this one on my Teavivre order a month or two back and am finally taking a moment to enjoy it. I am using the whole packet which is a bit much for my tastes but not nearly enough to split into two cups at work. Ho hum.

The dry aroma is light and sweet, seems floral and with some fruity notes but once steeped it comes across as astringent and bitter in aroma. Very reminiscent of standard bagged black tea. Darn you slightly too large sample!! I even decreased the temp and time to account for it. We’ll see how it tastes.

Luckily I don’t get any astringency in the sip, but neither am I getting a whole lot else. It’s black tea. Maybe some light floral behind it all, but nothing impressive. I am getting a lot of Red Rose associations here. It is drying my mouth a bit so I guess it is astringent, but at least it isn’t bitter.

I was hoping this might be a replacement for Keemun Mao Feng from Harneys which I loved but this didn’t do it for me at all. Oh well!

EDIT to add: Wow, am I the lone dissenter or what? I love black tea but this was a disappointment. I wonder if it was mislabelled or maybe a weird batch as there was no cocoa and nothing I typically associate with keemun. Weird. I know the sample wasn’t very old either.


One always has to wonder when they’re pretty much the only person who doesn’t like something… but sometimes it happens!


did you follow TeaVivre’s recommendations?
- Gaiwan 3oz Tea: 5g 6 steeps: rinse,15s,30s,45s,1m10s,1m40s,2m10s 90ºC/194ºF
- Teapot 8oz 1-2tsp(7g) 3 steeps:1m,2m,3m 90ºC/194ºF


It was good to me, but not worth the price (IMHO).

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141 tasting notes

Thank you Angel and Teavivre for this terrific sample!

What a thick and full black tea! I really like the maltiness. There is also some creamy notes that add to the deliciousness of this tea. It differs from other smoker Keemuns that I have tried. This one has a faint smokiness to it’s sweet liquid. It taste more of a charcoal seared or toasted leaf, than a smoldering embers enhancement (no gaming or adult story reference here – thought I should clarify)

I’m very pleased with this light medium bown colored tea. This is certainly not a medium quality tea. It matches what you would expect to get, from an excellent company as Teavivre – tasty!

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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185 tasting notes

And our last contender, Keemun number 4! Or maybe I should call it Neg One (-1). There’s Grade 2, then Grade 1, then Hao Ya must be Zero, and this would be -1. Anyway, Neg One was courteously provided by Angel and the Teavivre team as a free sample to Missy. Continuing with the Steepster’s Digest layout:

-Similar to the Grade 1 Keemun, I’m kind of thinking of it as 1’s cooler brother
-Sweeter than the other Ks
-More grainy than malty at this point, share’s some similarity with the Bailin Gongfu
-That sweet fruitiness has returned with a passion
-Smokiness has gone away (sad face)

It’s tough to decide between this one and the Grade 1 for third place. The flavors of this tea are probably the most complex out of the Ks I’ve tried today, but I really feel like it’s missing something without that smokiness that I so enjoyed out of the “lesser quality” Ks. I put lesser quality in little quotey bits because calling any of these teas anything but awesome quality is a disservice.

This would be the K from Teavivre I would recommend to someone that was appalled by the thought of smoke flavor in their tea, but still really wanted a K in the cupboard somewhere. I still stick by what I wrote under the K Hao Ya post: depending what you’re looking for, any of the four grades of Teavivre’s Keemun are excellent choices.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Love how you guys are doing tea comparisons. Very helpful to those of us too lazy to buy everything and compare ourselves! Also entertaining.

Dylan Oxford

It’s actually quite a bit of fun… and it’s nice knowing that you’re going to be drinking your favorite out of the bunch… at least this year’s crop ;)

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921 tasting notes

I seem to have flip-flopped back into a nocturnal sleep schedule again, and I am ok with that because it means I am super creative. Not sure why that goes hand in hand but I seem to be much more keen on spending hours on various craft projects when they are in the wee hours of the morning. Last night I discovered that mixing Perler Beads and embroidery makes for some awesome designs, of course these observations were made with the help of copious amounts of tea.

Today’s tea Organic Superfine Keemun Fragrant Black Tea by Teavivre is a beautiful Red tea (or Black tea to us Westerners) from Huangshan in Anhui, China. Fun fact, Keemun is one of China’s Ten Famous Teas and is one of the prominent ingredients in English Breakfast. The aroma of this tea is a wonderful blend of earthy, floral, and muscatel. It combines the rich, loamy aroma of the forest with freshly harvested grapes and a gentle hint of squash flowers. This tea has a very pleasant and gentle aroma, even though they are all very distinct it feels more like an olfactory caress than a bombardment.

While the leaves are steeping I notice a lovely muscatel aroma filling the room, it is honey sweet and reminds me of scupernongs. The leaves out of the water still retain their muscatel aroma with notes of honey and wildflowers. The earthy notes are less pronounced in the steeped leaves, and there is a mild yeasty note at the end. The liquid’s aroma is warm and sweet reminding me of honey, apple butter, and sun-warmed scupernongs. The aroma very much so reminds me of warm summer days in my Grandparent’s garden.

The first thing I notice about the taste is the strong muscatel note, it is sweet and rich, again reminding me of scupernongs. There are also notes of earthiness and a slight hint of oaky astringency at the mid-taste that adds a wonderful brightness to the flavor. There is a honey sweet aftertaste that becomes more prominent as it cools. I also noticed a very slight note of squash as well which was surprising but enjoyable. As the tea cools the earthy mid-taste fades to loam which compliments the oak notes. This tea is wonderfully complex and enjoyable! I certainly recommend drinking it straight as additives would not blend well with the flavors.

For Blog and Photos:


Nice review, I also really like this one. (I appreciate that despite the fact that you have a blog, you still give us a full review on Steepster!)


Thank you! I was worried that it might annoy people that I post the whole review, so that just made my day :)


Yay! Love making other peoples day!!! Not that I don’t want to encourage peoples blogs, but when I’m on Steepster, I don’t always want to visit another website to read reviews so I do appreciate that your are offering a choice :-)


That is what I was thinking, sometimes I just want to scroll through the dashboard feed and read reviews and not have to click around.

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2291 tasting notes

Oh, this is delicious. I wanted a black tea with maple this morning, to go with my frozen berries and maple whipped cream.

This tea is just perfect for this application.

It is sweet and slightly smokey. In some ways it reminds me of Butiki’s PTA. Probably due to the maltiness (or what I’m interpreting as malt!) and the natural sweetness of the leaves. The touch of smoke makes Keemun teas go extremely well with maple. There is no astringency or bitterness. I steeped western style, but I think I could extend the 3 minutes I usually steep to 4 or even 5 minutes with just a richer flavour.

I purchased 100g of the premium keemun, and I don’t regret that at all. The price point makes it more of an everyday tea, and the flavours are not strikingly different. IIRC the premium is slightly less sweet, and slightly stronger.

Highly recommend this one. Even just picking up a sample with another order. Don’t be scared of the “smokey” comment above. It’s not a smoked tea, the flavour is extremely delicate.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 15 sec 2 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

sooo good with maple


I know! The resteep was excellent too. :)

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464 tasting notes

This tea is growing on me. Finished off the 7g sample packet I brought to work with me.
Still very simple- Creamy greenbeans!

Well maybe there is a little more going on than I first thought. As I keep drinking it, I’m picking up a dark, baked almost ashy taste- very smooth, so it blends well into the vegetal aspect of it. That’s probably why I didn’t pick up on it at first. Now I see why people mention cocoa or baked tones.

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806 tasting notes

I don’t think this is my kind of tea. It’s really good quality and stuff I just wouldn’t buy it for myself. This was a sample from Teavivre and I’m glad I got to try it :D

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326 tasting notes

Tea provided by Teavivre for review

The first through sixth steeps were actually pretty consistent in flavour. Sometimes Keemun black tea is a bit harsh or almost bitter, but this one was very nice and mellow. Just the right mixture of usual Keemun characteristics, earthy, malty, and hints of spices.

Overall this is one of the better Keemun black teas I’ve tried (which isn’t a whole lot, maybe about 6-7 now). Throughout the six steeps, it never became bitter or too strong. That being said, I’m not a big fan of this type of black tea but it still managed to exceed my expectations. I’ll have to try this western style sometime with the rest of my samples.

100ml gaiwan, 2 tsp (4g-ish), rinse and 6 short steeps (from their website: 15s, 30s, 45s, 1m10s, 1m40s, 2m10s)

195 °F / 90 °C

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212 tasting notes

This had the same dark chocolate, malty notes I expect. It did surprise me with the addition of a grainy flavor. I thought it was softer than the others. It ends well with a fruity flavor but very little smoke. In fact, I thought this one was the least smokey of them all.

While I believe all of these teas to be of equal quality, grade 2 is the one I shall keep. I like the robust qualities it shows. Thanks to Angel and Teavivre for the chance to try this one out. :D

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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262 tasting notes

My allergies have been particularly rough during the last several days. This morning I planned ahead. I steamed out my sinuses in the shower so I’d be ready to accurately review this tea from Teavivre without any blockages.

When I first opened the sample package of this tea, the aroma that burst forth from the fine dry leaves was almost a little pungent. I wasn’t sure I was going to like the brewed version if this aroma carried into the flavor.

I steeped the tea for three minutes at 195 degrees as recommended (actually, 194 degrees was recommended, but what’s one degree between friends?). The brew that resulted can be best described as a muddy honey color.

I was happy to learn that there was no pungent aroma to the brewed tea. The smell was light and rather nondescript.

I was pleased to find that the taste was sweet and amiable. There also was a flavor attribute present similar to oatmeal. Bitterness did not exist.

I enjoyed two cups of this tea very much. It is a tasty black brew with a full sweet but gentle flavor.

Shame on me for doubting Teavivre EVEN for one second! This selection is another winner in Teavivre’s constantly growing array of fine teas.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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