For years I have been amazed by the beautiful blooming flower tea’s that I have been secretly wishing to try. They look like miniature secret gardens that you can drink and watch slowly fill the bowl with magic. Well I finally decided to make it a reality for me and so for Christmas my auntie agreed to buy me a see through tea pot with matching cups and a bag of random blooming tea’s.
I got them all from Teavivre earlier this year and kept them safe, now is the time to try it. I need a little water after having admittedly too many glasses of whisky this year (it’s my poison of choice) and thought I would do so in style. So chosen randomly from the bag came this marigold blossom flower tea.
The tea is in a subtle w shape and it smells very sweet and floral. I boiled the water and added it to the closed bud and watched with delight as it started to slowly open up but only ever so slightly. It would seem that for full exposure it will take a few steeps over quite a long process, right now it only looks slightly puffy and water logged.
2 minutes steep in boiling water reveals virtually no fragrance of colour. The taste is also extremely subtle but it does have similar properties to a white tea which makes sense considering it’s made of white silver needle. It has that clean and slightly floral taste of the first steeps of white silver needle.
I do a 2 minute 30 second steep with the same bud to see if it will open more and thankfully it does. Not exposed are yellow marigold flowers. Yep there we go it’s half open :) The liquid is also much darker now though is pale yellow so still light in colour as far as tea goes and it smells a little more floral. It’s sweet and much stronger now and edging on the verge of tasting like a green tea. It does taste very much like what you would expect a flower to taste like.
It’s a nice experience to watch something being created from what looks like nothing. Plus it’s also tasty so I can fun, play and drink :) It certainly makes a nice change having something so pretty and unique to watch. I may be slowly becoming a blooming fanatic.