Mommy's Delight

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Oolong Tea
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From TeaTaxi

Do you remember the sweet creamy taste and heart of yellow mango? It’s here, in our tea!

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3 Tasting Notes

16950 tasting notes

Sipdown (337)!

Thanks VariaTea for this very strangely named tea. I decided to try it blindly, and these were my thoughts:

- Very buttery; dry leaf smells like movie theater butter in a bad way
- Steeped liquor is also very buttery, but in a more pleasant way
- Like a milk oolong??
- Both with the buttery/creamy element and because of the floral elements
- Of which there are many (floral elements)
- Has a soft fruity undertone; but it’s very mild
- Kind of raspberry(ish) I suppose?

I just looked it up for the first time and all I have to say is… MANGO!?

Yeah, definitely NOT mango. That doesn’t even remotely seem accurate. Even sipping on the last bit of the mug, now knowing that it’s supposed to taste like mango it still doesn’t taste like mango…

I don’t know; overall this wasn’t bad. It was weird though, for sure. I think regardless of whether it accurately conveys the fruit flavour it wants to, it’s just a little bit too buttery tasting for me to really get into it.

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6444 tasting notes

Happy Mother’s Day Steepsterites!!

I figured when better than today to try this weirdly named tea. Now that I have I can confidently say it is not my favorite. Generically fruity on a floral oolong base. It’s drinkable but nothing exciting.

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561 tasting notes

Tastes like orange pekoe but in oolong form.

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