The TeaSource site described it this way: “Dooars is a tea growing region between Assam and Darjeeling, so this black tea has the heartiness of an Assam black tea, with nuanced flavor notes reminiscent of Darjeeling black tea, and a dark almost cocooay note.” On first taste I couldn’t find much Darjeeling in this—it seemed much more reminiscent of Assam, bold and malty and yes, I’d say I could taste a rather chocolate-like note. There is a crispness, an astringency going down with a lingering aftertaste I’d describe as rather bitter. Maybe that’s why my aunt disliked it—and she’s a big fan of Assam and Darjeeling both—I can’t recall her ever saying before this she didn’t like a black tea. She might have been spoiled by the Selim Hill Darjeeling yesterday—our favorite tea, simply delicious with a very sweet, honey-like aftertaste. Still, not I think a tea we’ll reorder.