“As a homebrewer of beer, I can’t get over how much this tea tastes almost exactly like steeped malted barley (basically, Grape Nuts cereal), to the point that it’s almost a negative; when I want...” Read full tasting note
“Another sample from Teasenz! I adore these types of teas with their golden leaves and their honey sweetness. The leaves here aren’t entirely golden, there are a few dark spots. Somehow that...” Read full tasting note
“This is the first of five free samples that I requested from teasenz. If you haven’t received samples from them yet, it’s a great value. No cost to you and the sample sizes are huge! Here’s the...” Read full tasting note
“I was looking forward to this sample. It smells awesome! Like sweet potato crisps and honey. The honey comes out a bit more in the flavour, and I get a little roast yam too. Any tea that can taste...” Read full tasting note
Without doubt the best Chinese black tea from Yunnan, with an abundance of beautiful golden tips. Offering a soft, savory taste with an intense honey-sweet and woody aroma, our Yunnan Gold is the perfect tea to serve with your favorite dessert.
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