This is a Biyun Hao gushu production from a less well-known area, Daniantang, which is near Luoshuidong in Yiwu. As in the case of our 2020 Biyun Hao Longdui, this is early Spring 2020 material, and the total production was only a handful of tongs, which Mr. Chen would normally have used in his premium blends. Due to low yields and difficulty travelling, he decided to press this material individually instead of creating a blend. We were only able to obtain two tongs of this tea, and it will be permanently out of stock afterwards.
The tea has a strong sweet pungent aroma typical of young Yiwu material. The perfume is also quite complex, with floral and resin notes. Very sweet aftertaste and lots of mouth activity. In comparison to the 2020 Longdui, it is sweeter and has a more pungent aroma, and is less bitter and powerful than that tea.