“Gongfu! Placed a spontaneous Tealyra order earlier this week (Tuesday, in particular) and it showed up today – which is SUPER quick! I was craving a specific tea and that’s why I ordered, but I...” Read full tasting note
This particular tea leaves were harvested from the old organic tea trees, some of the trees around 1100 years. Such tea is very strong, it can endure numerous infusions and still remain full-bodied taste and a smooth and thick mouth feel. Rare, tasty, energetic and long-lasting choice!
Lao Cha Tou literally mean “Old Tea Tugget”, which is formed during the Puer piling fermentation process. During the piling fermentation, the temparature in the tea piles increase gradually, so that they can fermente via their interior enzyme and become ripe Puer. During the whole process, the workers need to stir and turn over the teas about 4-5 times, so that the heat wont burn the tea leaves. However, during the fermentation and stirring, the tea leaves themselves will excrete their pectins and soluble sugar, so some tea leaves cling together. After the fermentation, the worker will sieve these nugget out and pile aside.
So the nugget tea is high fermentation compared to the common ripe Puer tea, that is why its thickness, mellowness in tea soup and its infusability are better than the all other ripe Puer.
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