Latte Sipdown (326)
I won a Tea Sparrow giveaway in December 2019 and this is one of the teas. The thing is I previously had a Tea Sparrow subscription and didn’t really like any of the teas that much. This is a chocolate almond rooibos and all of those can be finicky flavors so the idea of Tea Sparrow taking them all on together did not have me itching to try this. However, it is getting older and I have to give it a chance sooner or later so when I wanted a latte, this stood out to me.
Drinking it now, its not as bad as I expected. It’s not overly good either but its tolerable. I don’t get much chocolate beyond the chocolate drizzle I tossed on top. Instead I get woody rooibos and marzipan. I don’t like either of those much so while I can drink this, I don’t want it again. The last serving got tossed into my bag of teas for Sil since that was more readily accessible than my swap box.