“Fox is an unusual and hard to describe tea. The closest one to this that I’ve had is the 2014 Dehong Ye Sheng Cha, but even those two are quite different. This one has more fruity, tart and sweet...” Read full tasting note
Origin: Thailand
Harvest: Spring 2014
Elevation: 1200 m
Trees’ age: 300-500 y.o.
This raw pu-erh is made from leaves harvested from the wild mountain forest with many old tea trees, aged at least 300 years and more. They can be 500 or even 700 years old.
The taste of this green pu-erh is very different from the taste of all the other Thai pu-erhs presented in our web-store. So we can say, the cultivar of these trees is unique for Thailand. This puer was made in a small family tea manufacture, that can hardly be called a factory or plant. Very nice people, which is very important for us because we believe such things always affect the quality.
The material is from spring 2014 harvest. Fried by hands only in a wood-fired oven (wok). The cake is manually pressed by stone.
Dry tea aroma: milk candy, sweet red apples, pears, tropical fruits.
Taste: milk caramel moves to the background. In the foreground appears fresh pears, plums, sweet mellow notes with some species. Infusion smells with the same dry milk candies and pear caramels which are also in the foreground taste. Some strawberry gum is also in flavor. In the background are wood tartness and pungency of a freshly cut branch, tree sap.
Aftertaste is powerful and long-lasting, with the same basic notes. We’ve been pleasantly surprised that aroma passes into the taste so perfectly in a pretty young tea. It will be interesting to store and observe its aging.
State after drinking: clarity, attentiveness, alertness.
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