This tea had a lovely balance between the sweet and the savoury. I didn’t get the strong peach notes until later steeps, but I did get a lot of fruity tones from it including, longan, prune, fig tones, mulberry and lemon. This was bonded to the savoury notes by butter caramel, which evolved into honey, cocoa, malt and cereal notes and a touch of salt. The savoury herbaceous notes I found were, lemon thyme, the flavour you breathe in when you crumble dried oregano, cilantro, cinnamon, and towards the end ginger and artichoke. I got nine steeps out of this tea . (1tsp, 170ml,95°C: rinse, 10, 15,20,25,35,45,60,120,180s), and it has been a pleasant companion today.
Thanks TastyBrew for the opportunity to expand my experience with Taiwanese blacks!
hmmm i don’t think this one was up when i placed my order heh
It’s really good. I can send you a sample next box. It’s super grapy-peachy up front and then as it cools tastes a little more like the yuchi mountain one. And a little more rich and complex. Yeah, I’ll send you some :-)