A proper ripe Pu-erh tea cake is something extremely difficult to find in today’s market, because the technique of “piling” (渥堆) is not an easy one to learn just like oolong tea processing. You need to control the fermentation of piling at the right spot to avoid over-fermenting and stop the fermentation at the right moment. This requires patience and sensitivity to master.
Like the 7572 on our shelf, this is another rare gem in the 21st century. You will also notice it used much finer material as a ripe Pu-erh as well since it was for the purpose of exporting to European market. After decades of journey, it eventually ended up in Taiwan, and ready to begin its new journey to you.
Original Han Character: 昆明外銷精裝盒磚
Vintage: 1998 / 壹玖玖捌
Varietal: Assamica / 大叶种
Region: Kunming, Yunnan / 昆明
Fermentation Level: 90% / 分之 玖拾
Storage History: Stored in Taiwan since 2002